Chander Kanta Banerjee, Indian pathologist
Described Banerjee syndrome
With D.J. Girling & J.S. Wigglesworth. Pulmonary fibroplasia in newborn babies treated with oxygen and artificial ventilation. Arch.Dis. Child. 47:509, 1972.
With V.R. Sarode, K. Savitri, K.L. Narasimharao & A. Khajuria. Primary extrarenal Wilm’s tumour: identification of a putative precursor lesion. Histopathology 21(1):76-8, 1992
With K. K. Vayshei & B.N. Dutta. Malpighian corpuscles of spleen in infancy and childhood. Indian J. Path. Microbiol. 34(3):193-9, 1991
With K.V.S. Bhaskar & K. Joshi. Hepatoblastoma with glomerulocystic disease – a mere coincidence or an association. Nephron 54:273-4, 1990
With S. Roy, K. Joshi, R.A. Choudhury, S.C. Varma. Nuclear morphometric analysis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Pathology 21(2), 1989
With M. Gandhi, R. Lal, A. Sankaranarayanan & P.L. Sharma. Acute toxicity study of the oil from Azadirachta indica seed (neem oil). J. Ethnopharm. 23(1):39, 1988
With S. Kumar, D. Chandrasekhar & M.S. Rao. Solitary paravesical tuberculoma masquerading as bladder carcinoma.
With A. Rajwanshi, S. Radhika, A. Das & N. Jayaram. Fine-needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of cysticercosis presenting as apalpable nodules