Esteban Boltovskoy, Argentine oceanographer and micropalaeontologist (Warsaw 26 January 1912 – Buenos Aires 04 September 1997)
From Russian ancestry
Authored over 160 papers and 5 books
Provided first detailed hydrological schemes of surface circulation and water mixing processes in Southwestern Atlantic Ocean foraminifers indicators based in 1960s (later confirmed)
Proposed filter method for the treatment of plankton samples
Methods for sorting of foraminifera from plankton samples. Journal of Paleontology 40(5):1244-6, 1966
With S.B. Kotzian & F.L. Pedrozo. Some new techniques for the preparation and illustration of Polycystina (Radiolaria). Micropaleontology 29(4):382-90, 1983
Organized one of the largest Foraminifera collection in the world at Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales in Buenos Aires. It contains over 13500 slides and over 50000 identified specimens
Canepaia 1961
Kalosha 1978
Orcadia 1982 (with Watanabe) Fossil
Described at least 35 new species and 12 subspecies of Foraminifera
Genus Boltovskoyella Malumián & Masiuk 1972 (Fossil Foraminifera)
Honorary Fellow, Deutsche Palaontologische Gesellschaft (1968)
International Prize for Excellence in Foraminiferal research, Cushman Foundation, Washington, USA (1988)