
Juan Jacinto Burgos Almirall, Argentine agricultural meteorologist  (Godoy Cruz, Mendoza Province 15 March 1915 – Buenos Aires 27 November 1999)

Authored over 180 scientific works and 20 books

Developed classifications for agricultural phenology and climatology

Proposed Burgos method for agroclimatic zonification of species

Agroclimatic classifications and representations. Report of the applications value of climatic and agroclimatic classification for agricultural purposes (1958)

Proposed a cryokindinoscopic index

A cryokindionoscopic index useful in agroclimate research. Com. Meteorol. Agr. Toronto (1947)


El termoperiodismo como factor bioclimatico en el desarrollo de los vegetales. Meteoros 2(3-4), 1952


IMO Prize (1983)