Dorival Macedo Cardoso, Brazilian biochemist (São Paulo 14 July 1907 – São Paulo 16 February 1966)
Collaborated with famous studies about the vitamin B in cell oxidations of nervous tissue
With P.E. Galvão. Estudos sobre as oxidações na avitaminose B e no jejum. Arch. Inst. Biol. 3:219-48, 1930
Developed hypohysation method (Von Ihering method) for spawning of piracema fishes, used worldwide in fish-farming stations (1934)
With R. Von Ihering, P. Azevedo, J. Pereira Jr., Hypophysis and fish reproduction. Intern. Physiol. Congr. 15:211-2, 1935 or Sechenov J. Physiol. Of USSR 21(5-6):211-2, 1935
Verified that the reduction of methylene blue could be used in standardization of BCG vaccine
With W.F. Almeida. Padronização do BCG. Rev. Bras. Tuberc. 18:633-44, 1950
With W.F. Almeida. BCG seco – determinação de sua viabilidade por um método bioquímico. Rev. Bras. Tuberc. 18:119, 1950
Described a simple and fast method for standardization of BCG vaccine
With G. Nazario, J. Planet do Amaral & W.F. Almeida. Padronização do BCG. II. Rev. Bras. Tuberc. 20:583-92, 1952
Observed that the vitamin B12 content from stools and rumen varies according to food conditions of cattle
With W.F. Almeida. Atividade vitamínica B12 no rúmen e nas fezes de bovinos. Sua variação com o regime alimentar. Arq. Inst. Biol. 25:237-52, 1958
Developed a culture medium for dosing of vitamin B12
With W. F. de Almeida. Meio de cultura para a dosagem de vitamina B12 com E. coli 113-3. Arquivos Inst. Biol. 1954