Miguel de Oliveira Couto, Brazilian clinician (Rio de Janeiro 01 May 1865 – Rio de Janeiro 06 June 1934)


Created the notion of hematogenous jaundice  

Described fatty degeneration of visceral organs or Couto’s disease

Da Polysteatose visceral curavel. Arch. Bras. Med. 4:475-83, 1914.

Described Miguel Couto circular murmur, a murmur with circular propagation in serious mitral insufficiency 

Les bruits des souffle circulaires de l’insuffisance mitrale. arch. Malad. du Coeur, des Vaisseaux et du Sang, p.717, 1912. 

Remembered in Miguel Couto’s sign seen in ascites       

With Azevedo Sodré published a classical monograph about yellow fever

Das Gelb-Fieber. In Nothnagel, H. Spezielle Pathologie und Therapie herausgegeben Von Hofrat. Vol 5, Part 2, p.181-6, 1901.

With Rocha Lima wrote chapters about yellow fever in Carl Mense’s Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten (1929) and  Nicola Pende’s  Endocrinologia, Patologia I Clinica degli organi a secrezione interna (1923-4)

Performed important pharmacological researches about plants and fruits of Brazilian flora