Mischa Cotlar, Ukrainian-born Argentine mathematician (Sarny, Rivne Oblast Province 01 August 1913 – Buenos Aires 16 January 2007)
His father, Ovsey Cotlar (1879-1952) is rembered in Lasker-Cotlar variant (chess)
Enunciated the transfer principle in modern ergodic theory and ergodic Hilbert transform (1955)
Introduced the notion of quasi-orthogonality
Introduced quasi-orthogonal lemma for self-adjoint operators known as Cotlar-Stein lemma (1955)
With C. Sadosky introduced the concept of generalized Toeplitz kernels (1979) and the notion of algebraic scattering systems (1987)
Introduced the notion of “total”
Cotlar theorem
Cotlar-Sadosky lifting theorem (1979)
Cotlar-Sadosky extension theorem
Cotlar-Sadosky algebraic scattering systems
Cotlar inequalities
Toeplitz-Krein-Cotlar triplets
Cotlar decomposition
LINKS (in Spanish; contains bibliography)