Venancio Deulofeu Gascons, Argentine organic chemist (Buenos Aires 01 April 1902 – Buenos Aires 04 October 1984)
Established that bile of Argentine snakes displayed cholic acid
With several coworkers determined composition of venoms from South American toads
Demonstrated the presence of adrenaline in anuran venom
Developed a new type of delayed-action insulin
Obtained the apocholic acid in Wieland’s laboratory
Isolated stroma from urine independently from Swiss Hassler
Isolated antibiotic curamycin from Streptomyces curacoi and elucidated its partial structure (1962)
With Laughe isolated alkaloids saurin and sauroxine from Lycopodius sururus (1942)
Elucidated structure of gamma-fagarine from Fagara coco, olivacine and guatambuine from Aspidosperma australe and tubulosine from Pogonopus tubulosus
With G. Marini Bettolo characterized flavonoid glycosides from ombú (Phytolacca dioica)
Characterized chlorogenic acids and related compounds from maté (Ilex paraguayensis)
Isolated and characterized new natural sugar derivatives as D-curacose, curacin and curamycose
Isolated equine oestrogenic hormone (1934)
Discovered new structural types in plant chemistry
With A. Sordelli & R. Wernicke characterized Forssman antigen as a lipidic complex associated to a carrier protein
Naturaleza del antigeno heterogenetico. Rev. Asoc. Med. Arg. 37:570, 1924
Sur la nature de l’antigéne hétérogénétique. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 92:898, 1925
Obtained new esthers of acids
Nuevos esteres de los acidos bromopropionico y bromoisobutírico. Anal.Soc.Esp.Fis.Quim. 26:315, 1928
With Gimenez modified Wohl degradation by the use of propionylated nitriles
With Sordelli developed a method for preparing insuline (Sordelli-Deulofeu method) in 1923
Developed a method for dosage of cholesterol in bilis
Introduced picric acid for use in insuline precipitation and solvents and pure silk for its recovery
Searched for general methods for transforming one aldose in another with exclusion of one carbon atom
Developed a general method for N-methylated amino acids synthesis under aromatic aldehydes condensation with creatinine (1942)
Eponym of Deulofeu-Mendivelzua method
Papers in Nature
With R. Labriola, O.Orias, E.M. de Españes & A.C. Taquini. Fagarine, a possible substitute for quinidine. Science 102(2638):69-70, 1945
With R. Labriola & B. Berinzaghi. Structure of alpha-fagarine. Nature 162(4122):694, 1948
With J.O. Deferrari. Preparation of D-glucose dibenzamide from pentabenzoyl-D-alpha-glucose. Nature 167 (4236):42, 1951
With F. Moewus. An antagonist of the sterility hormone rutin in the green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos: ombuoside=7,4’-dimethylrutin. Nature 173 (4396):218, 1954
Houssay Prize, Organization of American States
Medal from International Academy of Lutetia
Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Paris (1955)