José Francisco Javier Severiano Adolfo Estrada Murguia, Mexican physicist (San Luis Potosi 11 February 1838 – San Luis Potosi 12 February 1904)
First to obtain light from electrc arc in Americas
Proposed the use of telephone as a system of detection of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (1883) before an Italian
Showed that the plant Phytolacca electrica has electric and magnetic properties
Showed the indefinite reproduction of static electricity (1874)
It is said that developed the wireless telegraphy before Italian G. Marconi
Two telegraphic printers (1877)
Maxima and minima automated barometer
Improved galvanoplasty procedures and invented many of them
An electric dynamo engine similar to Grammme’s (1868) (for which won a prize in United States)
A new device for measuring the speed of electric currents
Many new systems of duplex telegraphic transmission (1879-81)
Four simulcast devices (1879-81)
An improved Cooper telegraph (1881)
A new keyboard manipulator for Morse code (1881)
A metallic thermometer (1874)
An electric piano (1878)
A little mantle gas lamp (1895)
A new electrical communication system between railway telegraphs and moving trains (1886)
An electric network
Electro-magnetic geological balance. A new study proposed to science. The compasses reformed (1900), a simple device for predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and studying the underground layers in general (1895)
A long distance transmitting microphone (1881)
New telephone transmission system with improved telephones (1881-2)
Introduced improvements to Bell telephone
Siphon-polarized rapid receiver (1883)
Variable resistance differential rheostat (1887)
An electric recording and warning sismometer
Sismophone (1894)
New procedures for applying electricity to military strategies
A fireless steam engine employing ice as fuel (1874)
A patent about the production and bottling of sparkling wines and effervescent alcoholic liqueurs
Fellow, Academie des Sciences Physiques de Paris
Lat.Am.J. Phys.Educ. 1(1):101-8, 2007