
Djalma Guimarães, Brazilian mineralogist, petrographer and geochemist (Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais State 05 Nov 1894 – Belo Horizonte 10 October 1973)

Authored over 240 works


Described two new mineral species (arrojadite in 1924 and pennaite in 1948) and the mineral variety eschwegeite in 1926

Named rock araxaite (1926)

Described a variety of skarnit (1960)

Proposed a new method used to separate uranium and other elements in high degree of purity (1929)

Sobre um processo de separação do urânio, do zircônio, tântalo, nióbio, titânio, ferro, manganês, chumbo, estanho, cobre, níquel e cromo. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciências 1(4):198-200, 1929. 

Patented a new process for production of fertilizer from apatite

Proposed a new genetical metamorphic process for Diamonds

Upland Diamonds deposits. Diamantina District, Minas Gerais. Economic Geology, New Haven 24:444-47, 1929.

Proposed enstenitization or hiperstenization theory that postulates a change in piroxene structure from monoclinical to orthorhombic.

Proposed genetic granitization of rocks (1938) independent from H.G. Backlund studies  

Das problem der Granitbildung. Chemie der Erde 12:83-94, 1938.

Suggested that crust acidification is a general process

Proposed a theory about the origin of alkaline rocks, an opposite view of Daly theory

A origem das rochas alcalinas (1947) 

Authored the monograph Mineral deposits of magmatic origin whose abstract was published in Economic Geology and his theory accepted and teached in courses of Economic Geology of a number of universities in United States 

Obtained the first successful result in the history of geophysical methods in the world when he headed the group that used aerocintilometry for finding pyrochlore deposits in Araxá, Minas Gerais State (1953)


Named Prince des Geologues by Madame Curie

Djalmaite C.P.Guimarães (today uranomicrolite) 

Guimaraesite Chukanov, Atencio, Zadov, Menezes Filho & Coutinho 2007 (Mineral)

His brother, geochemist Caio Pandiá Guimarães (Rio de Janeiro 13 January 1914 – Belo Horizonte 16 September 1945)

Authored 14 works

Described analytical process for tantalum-niobates

Marcha analítica (Analytical process) para os tântalos-niobatos. Mineração e Metalurgia 6(31):41-45, 1941  

Described mineral djalmaite (1939)