
Domingo Mauricio Gómez Gimeranez, Cuban biomathematician (Guaracabuya, Las Villas Province 22 September 1903 – Manhattan 13 December 1978)

Living in United States since 1960s

Authored about 70 scientific works and 4 books


Authored the first modern treatise on hemodynamics

Les lois physiques de l’hémodynamique (leur détermination piézographique). Actualites Scientifiques, Recherches d’ Hemodynamique et Cardiologie 511, 1937

Discovered a new syndrome

With H. Vaquez. Un syndrome hypertensif nouveau. L’hypertension moyenne solitaire (1931)

First to apply piezoelectricity to measurement of blood pressure in vessels 

With André Langevin developed Gomez-Langevin procedure for measuring pressure changes in blood vessels and conceived Gomez-Langevin piezograph or piezoelectric manometer (1933)

Authored studies and discoveries about arterial hypertension treatment employing extracts from cortical region of the kidney receiving the Prix Mesurer of Academie de Medecine de Paris (1935)

Action therapeutique de certains extraits rénaux dans le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle (1934)

Developed Gómez formulae for estimating intrarenal hemodynamics

Laid out the foundations of microscopic morphometrical techniques in developing morphometric methods for estimating the lungs diffusion surface area

Published a series of formulae for directly evaluating glomerular hemodynamics in humans

Evaluation of renal resistances, with special reference to changes in essential hypertension. J. Clin. Invest. 30:1143-55, 1951  

Developed Weibel-Gómez technique or method

With E.R. Weibel. A principle for counting tissue structures on random sections. J.Appl. Physiol. 17:343-8, 1962

Introduced the concept of continuous distribution for either specific tidal volume throughout the lungs or for the specific blood flow through the organs and tissues

A mathematical treatment of the distribution of tidal volume throughout the lung. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington 49(3):312-9, 1963

A physicomathematical concept of continuous distribution of specific blood flow through the organs. PNAS 51(5):750-7, 1964

With E. Weibel proposed irregular dichotomy as mode of branching in all human airway tree and found that the average diameter of the airways decreased by a factor of cube root of ½ 

Presented methods for the evaluation of the physical characteristics of the renal vascular tree

Hemodynamics of the renal circulation. La Rev. Scie. 3272(8):451, 1947

Showed that blood flow through the kidney was reduced in hypertensive patients 

With P.R. Caldwell. A formulation for the partition of free vs. hemoglobin-bound 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Resp. Physiol. 19(3):290-7, 1973


With Vaquez & Gley invented a new oscillometer (Kimometre)

With A.J. Langevin. Methode et apareil pour la mesure et l’enregistrement des pressions sanguines. Le piezographe. Brevet d’invention nº 337.641 (1932) 


With C. Rodrigue. Etude radiologique et clinique de l’opacité aortique (1931)

With P. Gley. La determination des pressions moyenne et minima par la methode oscillometrique. Presse Med. 39:284, 1931 

With P. Gley. Le travail Du coeur sous l’influence des anevrysmes arterioso-veineux. J. Physiol. et de Pathol. Gen. 29:442-5, 1931

With P. Bailliart. La pression moyenne dans le glaucome

Action de certains extraits de la corticale du rein sur la retention ureique: contribution a l’etude therapeutique de l’uremie. Presse Med. 9:219-21, 1935

Caracteristiques physiques des vaisseaux, debit circulatoire et loi de decroissance, en fonction du temps, de la pression arterielle. Comp. Rend. Hebd. Sean. Acad. Sci. 203:1030, 1936

With C. Veil. Sur la limite statique de la presion arterielle. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 123:957-9, 1936

With André Langevin. La piézographie directe et instantanée: ses applications aux etudes d’hémodynamique; controle des méthodes mécaniques. Actualites Scientifiques, 1937 

Hémodynamique et angiocinétique: etude rationelle des lois régissant les phénomênes cardio-vasculaires (1941)  

L’Hemodynamique de la circulation renale. Rev. Sci. 85 (451):583, 1947

With P. A. Morales, C.H. Crowder et al. Measurement and significance of urinary appearance time in dog. Amer. J. Physiol. 163:454, 1950. 

Evaluation of renal resistances with special reference to changes in essential hypertension. J.Clin. Invest. 30:1143, 1951

Considerations of oxygen-hemoglobin equilibrium on the physiological state. Am. J. Physiol. 200:135-42, 1961

With E.R. Weibel. Architecture of the human lung. Use of quantitative methods establishes fundamental relations between size and number of lung structures. Science 137:577-85, 1962

With W.A. Briscoe & G. Cumming. Continuous distribution of specific tidal volume throughout the lung. J. Appl. Phys. 19:683-92, 1964

A physico-mathematical study of lung function in normal subjects and in patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases. Med. Thorac. 22:275-94, 1965

 With J. Lowenstein, P.R. Steinmetz et al. The distribution of intrarenal blood flow in normal and hypertensive man. Circulation 35:250-4, 1967 

With P.R.B. Caldwell & H.W. Fritts. Respiratory heat exchange in normal subjects and in patients with pulmonary disease. J. Appl. Physiol. 26:82-88, 1969


Medicine and Physiology Nobel Prize nominee for three times