
Eusebio Yatco Garcia, Philippine parasitologist (Binan, Laguna 29 December 1905 -?)


Described 6 species of helminths, 2 species of protozoa and 1 species of bacteria

Invented salva-ara

First report of Cheilospirura hamulosa parasitizing the man

With C. Africa. A new nematode parasite (Cheilospirura sp.) in the eye of man in the Philippines. J. Phil. Is. Med. Assoc. 16:603-7, 1936

Extract of the wings of the Philippine butterfly Terias hecabe Linnaeus, a new antibiotic for malaria. Journal Philipp. Med. Assoc. 25: 6279-90, 1949.

Flumamine a new synthetic analgesic ant-flu drug. Journal of Philipine Med. Assoc. 26:7287-93, 1950.

Vitamine E (Alpha Tocopherol), a new anthelmenthic against Ascaris lumbricoides. Proc. Sixth Int. Congr. Trop. Med. and Malaria 2:650-55, 1958. 

Schistosomiasis philippinensis and Schistosoma philippinensis, a new clinical entity and a new species of blood fluke respectively. MD Journal 8:6225-31, 1959.  

The blood-tuberculin reactions, a new rapid test for tuberculosis. Phil. Scient. Journal 9(67-8):16, 1962.

With Virginia Sirilau. Diglutamic acid and biguanide, a new anticatabolic and anti-epileptic drug. M.D. Journal 14:8503-6, 1964. 

With T.P. Pesigan. A modified field stain for rapid staining of thick and thin blood smears. J. Phil. Med. Assoc. 22:4165-71, 1965. 

His curriculum vitae is available in