
José Rodolfo Galvele, Argentine metallurgist (Buenos Aires 10 March 1937 – Buenos Aires 31 July 2011)

Authored one book and more than 160 papers

Found that aluminum suffered from intergranular corrosion with hydrogen bubbles diffusing along grain boundaries and also showed that alloying elements eliminated molecular hydrogen improving the corrosion resistance of aluminum in his Ph.D dissertation (1962)

A methodology for the prediction of susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (1976)

Proposed a simple model to explain pitting corrosion mechanism or acid induced pit stabilization theory (1976-84)

Proposed a famous mechanism of stress corrosion cracking or surface mobility mechanism known as Galvele model (1986-7)

With G.S. Duffó developed an equation for the calculation of the surface mobility coefficient based on exchange current density


With C.M. Giordano, S.B. Farina & G.S. Duffó. Steric hindrance as a rate controlling step in stress corrosion cracking. Corrosion Science 49(6):2745-53, 2007

Tafel’s law in pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion susceptibility. Corrosion Science 47(12):3053-67, 2005 

With S.A. Serebrinsky. Effect of the strain rate on stress corrosion crack velocities in face-centred cubic alloys. A mechanistic interpretation. Corrosion Science 46(3):591-612, 2004

Application of the surface-mobility stress corrosion cracking mechanism to nuclear materials. J. Nuclear Materials 229:139-48, 1996

Surface mobility mechanism of stress corrosion cracking. Corrosion Science 35(1-4):419-34, 1993

With G.S. Duffó. Experimental confirmation of the surface mobility stress-corrosion cracking mechanism: Ag-15Pd, Ag-15Au and Ag-30Cd alloys in halid and sulfate containing solutions. Corrosion Science 30(2-3), 1990 

With R.M. Carranza. Repassivation kinetics in stress corrosion cracking. Corrosion Science 28:233, 1988 

With Y.S. Park, A.K. Agrawal & R.W. Staehle. Stress corrosion cracking and anodic behavior of AISI-304 stainless steel, Inconel-600 and Inconel-800 straining in boiling NAOH solutions. Corrosion 34, 1978  

With J.B. Lumsden & R.W. Staehle. Effect of molybdenum on the pitting potential of high purity 18% Cr ferritic stainless steels. J. Electrochem. Soc. 125:1204, 1978 

With I.L. Muller. Pitting potential of high purity binary aluminium alloys-Al-Cu-alloys pitting and intergranular corrosion. Corrosion Science 17(3):179-93, 1977

Transport Processes and the mechanism of pitting of metals. J. Electrochem. Soc. 123(4):464-74, 1976

With S.B. de Wexler. Anodic behavior of aluminium straining and a mechanism for pitting. J. Electrochem. Soc. 121(10), 1974

With S.M. de DeMicheli. Mechanism of intergranular corrosion of Al-Cu alloys. Corrosion Science 10(11); 795, 1970

With T.P. Hoar. Anodic behavior of mild steel during yielding in nitrate solutions. Corrosion Science 10(4):211-24, 1970

With J. Mazza. Corrosion of superpure aluminium in distilled water at high temperature. J. Nuclear Materials 13(1):92-9, 1964

With A.D. Keitelman. Pitting and pitting inhibition of iron in sodium sulfate solutions. Corrosion Science


Corrosion Science TP Hoar Award (1981 & 1987)

Nace Whitney Award (1999)

Evans Award, Institute of Corrosion, United Kingdom (1999)