
Guillermo Haro Barraza, Mexican astronomer (Ciudad de Mexico 21 March 1913 – Ciudad de Mexico 25 April 1988)

Authored over 80 papers and about 30 books 


Discovered a great number of planetary nebulae toward galactic center (with Enrique Chavira & Braulio Iriarte), besides stellar aggregates of distinct ages, many T Tauri stars, 11 galactic novae,  1 extragalactic nova  and 1 extragalactic super nova

Discovered 103 new planetary nebulae (1952)

With W. Morgan discovered flare stars in the Orion nebula (1953)

Discovered new flare stars in the Pleiades (1970)

Showed that some T-Tauri stars were flash stars

With S. Torres & E. Chavira. A fluor-like new variable star in Orion. Infor. Bull. Variable Stars (1985)  

With W.J. Luyten discovered a large number of stars (1962) 

Discovered blue galaxies with emission lines spectrum know as Haro galaxies (1956)

Established the relationship between a stellar aggregate age and spectral type of bursting stars

With G.H.Herbig developed a trichromatic photograph technique using Schmidt camera for statistical study of galaxies (1955)

Developed a method to study rapid stellar variability using Schmidt camera


Haro planetary nebula

Haro-Chavira comet (1954)

Herbig-Haro objects

Haro-Luyten blue stellar objects

Palomar-Haro-Luyten objects


Associate Member, Royal Astronomical Society, England (1959) being the first person from a developing country to be elected

Vice-President, American Astronomical Society (1957-60)

Doctor Honoris Causa, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (1953)

Honor Medal, Armenian Academy of Sciences (1962)

Lomonossov Gold Medal, USSR Academy of Sciences (1986)