
Jorge Haddad, Brazilian gastroenterologist (São Paulo 12 January 1929 – São Paulo 09 May 1975)

Developed Duhamel-Haddad operation

With A. Raia & A. Correa Netto. Abaixamento retro-retal do cólon com colostomia perineal no tratamento do megacolo adquirido. Operação de Duhamel modificada. Rev. Ass. Med. Bras. 11:830-50, 1965

Treatment of acquired megacolon by retrorectal lowering of the colon with a perineal colostomy: modified Duhamel operation. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S. Paulo 23:235-53, 1968 and Doctoral Thesis


With A. Habr Gama, O. Simonsen, D.E. Cutait, A. Raia et al. Volvulus of the sigmoid colon in Brazil. A report of 230 cases. Dis. Colon Rectum 79:314-20, 1976 

With J.M. Benedicto, W. Paula & A. Raia. Tuberculose intestinal. Aspectos anatomo-clinicos (Considerações sobre 33 casos). Arq. Gastroent. 9:65-70, 1972

Relation of gastroesophageal reflux to yield sphincter pressures. Gastroenter. 58:175-84, 1970

With A. Raia & E.A. Erhart. Estudo das atividades sexuais nos pacientes portadores de megacólon, antes e após a retossigmoidectomia abdominoperineal. Rev. Paul. Med. 55:343, 1959

Colostomy treatment of traumatic injuries of the large intestine. Dis. Colon Rectum 17:188-93,