Alberto Francisco Inclán y Costa, Cuban orthopedic surgeon (La Habana 10 October 1890 – La Habana 11 January 1965)
Described a new method for treatment of fractures of femoral diaphysis
El tratamiento conservador de las fracturas de la diáfisis femoral en parangón con el tratamento quirúrgico de las mismas (1921)
Developed new apparatuses for treatment of fractures
Un aparato mecanico para la reducción de las fracturas del antebrazo (1922)
Tratamiento de las fracturas de la tuberosidad del húmero (1921)
Employed original types of heterologous bone sheets
El tratamiento sangrante de las fracturas simples diafisarias (1922)
Created bone bank (1938)
Developed refrigeration preserved bone graft and Inclán technique for bone refrigeration
Developed method for employing frozen bone tissue grafts for replacing bones or filling cavities
The use of preserved bone graft in orthopedic surgery. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 24:81-96, 1942
Developed Inclán modification of Ober operation for congenital elevation of the scapula (1949)
Improved a number of surgical techniques