
Carlos Arnaldo Krug, Brazilian plant geneticist and agronomist (São Paulo 25 October 1906 – Campinas 06 February 1973)

From German ancestry

Authored about 100 works

With A.S. Costa described purple bud of White potato (1937)

With A. Carvalho. Genetical proof of existence of coffee endosperm. Nature 144 (3646):515, 1939

With A. Carvalho & J.E.T. Mendes found many new varieties of coffee plants

With A. Carvalho & J.E.T. Mendes performed the main researches concerning to coffee plant genetics in the world

With A.J.T. Mendes observed the occurrence of real and false polyembryonies in coffee plant

With G.P. Viegas developed hybrid maize being Brazil the second country in the world with hybrid maize from its own lineages after United States (1939) (Argentina is the second country to have a hybrid maize but your strains were from United States)

With G.P. Viegas & L. Paoleri developed maize hybrids IA300, IA1932 & IA1952

With O. Bachi determined the chromosome number of many species of Citrus sp. 

Developed a method for hybridization of coffee plant

Hybridization of coffee. J. Hered. 26:325-30, 1935 

Developed a method for calculating the mesh of grading sieves for different coffees

O Cálculo da “peneira media” nas seleções do cafeeiro. Rev. Inst. Café 26 (156):123-7, 1940


Subgenus Krugiphinema Cohn & Sher 1972 (Nematoda)

LINKS (in Portuguese; bibliography)