
Francisco Eduardo Accioli Rabello, Brazilian dermatologist (Rio de Janeiro 31 December 1905 – 25 January 1989)

Authored about 200 scientific works

Enunciated the polarity concept in various clinical forms of leprosy

A clinico-epidemiological classification of the forms of leprosy. Int. J. Leprol. 5:343-56, 1937

Classified leprosy in four types: virchowian, tuberculoid, dimorphous and undetermined (1938)

Created a conceptual system of dermatological nomenclature

Described the late reaction of Montenegro test

Pointed out new allergy aspects of the lympho-granulomatosis disease

Claimed attention for the first time to the possibility of cross reactions between Koch and Hansen’s antigens-antibodies

Eponym of Rabello colliquative neuritis and Rabello impetiginoid lesions in cutaneous leishmaniasis


Coccidioidina como tratamento de blastomicose. An. Bras. Derm. Sifililogr. 9:34, 1934

Donnees nouvelles pour l’interpretation de l’affection de Besnier-Boeck: role de la lepre. Ann. Dermatol. Syphil 7:571, 1936

A framboesia tropica e o problema das suas manifestações tardias. An. Bras. Derm. Sifililogr 13:17, 1938

A lepra incaracterística na experiência do Sanatório Padre Bento. Rev. Bras. Leprol. 11(2):115-32, 1943

With H. Portugal & R.D. Azulay. As buloses do grupo do pênfigo, suas correlações clínicas, funcionais e histológicas. An. Bras. Derm. Sifililogr 24:1, 1949

With R.D. Azulay, A.G. Antunes & J.A. Villela-Pedras. Eritrodermias exfoliativas. An. Bras. Derm. Sifilogr. 28(3):153-74, 1953

Conceituação clinico-biologica das eczematizações. An. Bras. Derm. Sifililogr. 29(1):33-45, 1954

With M. Rutowitsch & C.M. de Medeiros. Pruritic skin diseases. An. Bras. Derm. Sifililogr. 29(4):251-61, 1954

The group B under clinical viewpoint. Arqu. Min. Leprol. 20:412, 1960 

With G.A. Quintaes & A. Barcaui. A case with characteristics of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus and a nevoid atrophy in patches, and with possibility of an incomplete form of scleroderma. Anais Bras. Dermatol. 41(4):290-1, 1966

With S. Fraga & C.M. de Medeiros. Chronic cicatricial bullosis. Anais Bras. Dermatol 45(1):31-6, 1970

Clinico-biological concepts of atopic status. Anais Bras. Dermatol. 46(1):35-52, 1971 

Dissociated response to rheumatoid factor in lepromatous hanseniasis. JAMA 226 (10):1228, 1973

Amiloidose cutânea genuína (1955-1980). Anais Bras. Dermatol. 56(3):175-7, 1981

Síndrome complexa, familial, multicêntrica, atingindo pele, endocárdio, formações endócrinas e neuroendócrinas, mixomas. Anais Bras. Dermatol. 62(1):5-7, 1987

With V. Boas & H. Portugal. Considerações em torno de um caso de coccidioia com estrutura sarcóide. An. Bras. Dermatol.


Counselor, International Leprosy Association

Expert, International Center of Leprology

Chairman, Dermatological Nomenclature Committe of International Congresses of Stockholm (1957) & Washington (1962)

His father, Eduardo Rabello, Brazilian dermatologist (Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro State 22 September 1876 – Rio de Janeiro 08 August 1940)

Identified the nature of leishmaniotic lesions of the mucosa (1909)

Authored a classification of the clinical forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis

With J. Aguiar Pupo identified lepromatous and tuberculoid-polar types of leprosy

First to call attention to a number of frequent forms of tuberculoid leprosy (1923)

Described clinical aspects of the blastomycosis and distinguished it bteween the cutaneous and generalized forms

Pointed out the existing differences between Brazilian and European ringworm epidemiology

Demonstrated the possibility of microsporic ungual lesions (1907) later confirmed

Developed techniques for dermatological radiotherapy