
Michael Tistl, German-born Colombian geologist (Unterkirchberg 16 August 1955 – La Paz, Bolivia 17 August 2013)

Rediscovered Salado de Consotá, a site with great historical and archaeological value

Recorded photographically the soils of Pereira-Armenia variant


Primäres und sekundäres Gold in den N-bolivianischen Anden. – GDMB: Edelmetalle, Exploration und Gewinnung, Schr. Rh. GDMB  52:83-98, 1985

With H.J. Schneider. The Variscan thermometamorphism and its relations to gold-quartz mineralizations in the NE Cordillera Real, Bolivia. Zbl. Geol. Paläontol. 1(9/10): 1579-89, 1985

With U.F. Hein. Characteristics of fluid inclusions in the porphyry copper deposit of La Granja/Peru.  Chem. Geol. 61 (1987):183-192, 1985

Die Goldlagerstätten der Cordillera Real/Bolivien und ihr geologischer Rahmen. Diss., Berl. Geowiss. Abh. (A), 65, 135 p., 1985

The Bolivian tin province and regional tin distribution in the central Andes: a reassessment. Economic Geology 85:1044-58, 1990

With R. Salinas. A Tertiary zoned ultramafic complex and komatiitic basalts from Condoto, Chocó, NW Colombia.  Zbl. Geol. Paläontol.1 (6): 1659-78, 1991

A Tertiary zoned ultramafic complex and komatiitic basalts from Condoto, Chocó, NW Colombia. Zentralblatt Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie 1(6):1659-78, 1992

Individual fractionation of platinum and ruthenium in zoned ultramafic complexes – the Alto Condoto Complex, NW Colombia. – Festschr. 70. Geburtstag Prof. H.J. Schneider, 159-171, 1993

With G. Salazar. The tectono-magmatic evolution of North-Western South America. Zbl. Geol. Paläontol., 1(1/2):439-452, 1993

With K.P. Burgath. Accessory-type ferroplatinum mineralization in the dunitic core of the Condoto Alaskan-type complex, NW Colombia. Terra abstracts, Abstr. Suppl. No. 3 to Terra Nova 5:7, 1993

Metodología para explorar mineralizaciones Primarias de PGM en el río Condoto, Chocó, Colombia. Bol. Geol. – Ingeominas  33(1):16, 1993

Geochemistry of platinum-group elements of the zoned ultramafic Condoto complex, NW Colombia. Econ. Geol.  89:158-167, 1994

Origin and emplacement of Tertiary ultramafic complexes in northwest Colombia: Evidence from geochemistry and K-Ar, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes. Earth And Planetary Science Letters  126:41-59, 1994

With R. Salinas & K.P. Burgath. Geología, Mineralogía y Química del Complejo Ultramáfico del Alto Condoto, Chocó, Colombia. Bol. Geol. Col., 34 (1):58, 1994

With K.P. Burgath, A. Höhndorf, H. Kreuzer , R. Muñoz & R. Salinas. Origin and emplacement of Tertiary ultramafic complexes in northwest Colombia: Evidence from geochemistry and K-Ar, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 12641-59, 1994

With K.P. Burgath. Accessory-type ferroplatinum  mineralization in the dunitic core of the Condoto Alaskan-type complex, Chocó, Colombia. Econ. Geol. (1995)

With T. Weiser & K.P. Burgath. Mineralogy of primary and placer Platinum-group minerals of the Condoto area, NW Colombia. Can. Mineral (1995)


Tistlia Díaz Cardenas, Patel & Baena 2010 (Bacteria)