
Paul Andries Van der Byl (Bijl), South African mycologist and plant pathologist (Natvellei, Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province 25 May 1888 – Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province 25 July 1939)

Authored some 60 publications

Described at least 64 new fungal species specially plant parasitic fungi 

On a fungus, Ovulariopsis papayae n.sp. – which causes powdery mildew on the leaves of the pawpaw plant (Carica papaya Linn.). Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 9:187-9, 1921

A fungus, Gibellula haygarthis, spec. nov., on a spider of the family Lycosidae. Trans. Royal Soc. South Africa 10:149-50, 1922


Vanderbylia Reid 1973 (Fungi)