Eduardo Alfredo Zancolli Pomares, Argentine surgeon (Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires Province 23 May 1924 –
Recognized throughout the world as being the highest authority in hand surgery
Authored Atlas of surgical anatomy of the hand (1991) & Structural and dynamic basis of hand surgery
Presented the complete transfer of great pectoral muscle with its extended tendon as a new criterion for arthropathy of rotator cuff (2010)
With H.J. Mitre introduced the term bipolar transfer
Presented the posterior interosseous free flap for hand reconstruction or reverse pedicle posterior interosseous arterial flap (1985)
With C. Angrigiani. Colgajo anterior de antebrazo “en isla” (Pedículo de vasos interóseos posteriores). Rev. Asoc. Arg. Ortop. Traumatol. 51(2):161, 1986
Described volar translocation of the radial lateral band for surgical correction of flexible swan-neck deformity (1975)
With H.J. Mitre developed bipolar latissimus dorsi transfer to restore elbow flexion (1973)
Developed Zancolli operation for tendon transfer of biceps
Paralytic supination contracture of the forearm. J. Bone Joint Surg. Ann 49:1276, 1967
With H.J. Mitre, M. Bick, G. Dabbah & R.A. Troiano. Intercapsulo-cleidothoracic disarticulation. Indications and technic. Prensa Med. Arg. 52(16):1122-6, 1965
Proposed Zancolli technique for thumb reconstruction
Transplantation of the index finger in congenital absence of the thumb. J. Bone Joint Surg. 42(4):658-60, 1960
Claw-hand caused by paralysis of the intrinsic muscles. A simple surgical procedure for its correction. J. Bone Joint Surg. 39 A:1076-80, 1957
Cirurgia de la mano. Un nuevo método de corrección en la contractura congenita de los músculos flexores digitales (alargamiento intertendinoso). La Prensa Med. Arg. 44:279, 1957
Epiphysioloysis of the hip or coxa vara of adolescents in the state of accentuated separation: operative technique and results. Sem. Med. 110(25):847-54, 1957
With J. Carrascosa & J. di Paoli. Method of radiological examination of the coccyx. Prensa Med. Arg. 43(50):3686, 1956
With A.O. Calzaretto, A. Spadafora & J.M. Corizzo. Indications and technic of bone block between the first two metacarpals. Prensa Med. Arg. 40(41):2765-9, 1953
New technic for correction of congenital contractures of the digital flexor muscles: intertendineous lengthening
Zancolli lassos procedure
Zancolli capsulodesis
Zancolli suspension-interposition arthroplasty
Zancolli operation or capsuloplasty
Zancolli nailing method for percutaneous osteodesis
Zancolli operation in obstetrical brachial plexus palsy
Zancolli technique for palmar capsulodesis of the metacarpophalangeal joint
Zancolli technique of MP joint capsuloplasty
Zancolli technique of lengthening of the latissimus dorsi tendon
Zancolli procedure of ulnar nerve palsy
Zancolli procedure for treatment of cubital and mediocubital claw hand (with G. Dabbah)
Zancolli procedure in tetraplegia
Zancolli procedure of transfemoraminal ligaments
Zancolli procedure of transosseous fixation
Zancolli method of lateral band tenodesis
Haines-Zancolli test
Zancolli capsulotomy flexion
Zancolli lateral slip