Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Mexican computer scientist (Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca State 22 July 1943 –
Convert. Design of a language for symbol manipulation and its corresponding processor. Thesis (1965)
With R. Segovia. A parallel reconfigurable LISP machine (1976)
Decomposition of a visual scene. Into three-dimensional bodies. Proceed. AFIPS Fall Joint Comp. Conf. 33:291-04, 1968
With J. A. Alarcón. Diseño por computadora de fuentes de alimentación de corriente directa (1973)
Percepción remota a traves de computadoras: equipo, programas y aplicaciones (1975)
With D. Gómez. A digital model for three-dimensional surface representation, J. Geoprocess. 1:53-70, 1979
With E. Bribiesca. How to describe pure forms and how to measure differences in shapes using shape numbers (1980) (invented the form numbers that allow to describe any form or two-dimensional silhouette, and to measure the resemblance between two forms this way described)
A parallel heterarchical machine for high level language processing (1981) (the first computer in the world that processes in parallel and uses LISP as its main language)
With R. Barrera, A. Ginich & T. Radhakrishnan. Design of a high level language (L) for image processing (1981)
With G. Narvaez, L. Sheremetov, J. Martínez & A. Albornoz. The EVA Teleteaching Project – the concept and the first experience in the development of virtual learning spaces (1988)
Unified Step language (1991) (designed and built a visual language where the programs are expressed as directed networks to describe parallel process)
Diseño de un sistema general de seguimientos (1993)
With A. Garcia, G. Martínez Luna & G. Narvaez Esquer. Clasificación supervisada. Inducción de arboles de decisión. Algoritmo K-D (1998) (k-d trees)
With B. Beltrán Martínez, F. Martínez Trinidad & J. Ruiz Shulcloper. Clasitex++, una hierramienta para el analisis de textos (1998) (program to finding the main themes in a Spanish text)
ANASIN, an intelligent analyzer-synthesizer for data mining (1999)
LIPS-based SSDL language (1999)
With A. Gelbukh & G. Sidorov. A method of describing document contents through topic selection (1999)
With A. Gelbukh & G. Sidorov. Simple method for hierarchical conceptual indexing of documents using relational data model (2002)
With V. Polo de Gyves. Bibliodigital Red para compartir información distribuida. Bol. Sist. Nac. Estad. Inform. Geogr. 1(1):73-80, 2005
With A.D. Cuevas. A language and algorithm for automatic merging of ontologies (2006)
A fuzzy clustering approach for finding similar documents using a novel similarity measure. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(3):600-5, 2007
With S. Levachkine. Hierarchy as a new data type for qualitative variables. Expert Syst. Appl. 32(3):899-10, 2007 (confusion theory)
With G. Martínez Luna. Antecumen. Prototipo de hierramienta para el analisis con cubos en memoria principal (2008)
With E. Bribiesca & L.A. Martínez. Enclosing trees. Patt. Anal. Applic. 15(1):1-17, 2012 (a method for representing voxel-based objects by means of enclosing trees)
With J. Arellano-Verdejo, S. Godoy Calderón & R. Barrón Fernandez. Busqueda eficiente del optimo numero de grupos en un conjunto de dados con un nuevo algoritmo evolutivo celular hibrido. Comp. Sist. 18(2), 2014
With J. Arellano-Verdejo, S. Godoy Calderón, F. Alonso Pecuna & M.A. Cruz Chavez. A new efficient entropy population-merging parallel model for evolutionary algorithms. Int. J. Comput. Intellig. System 10(1):1186, 2017