
Adolfo Martínez Palomo, Mexican experimental pathologist (Ciudad de Mexico 15 March 1941 

Son of physician Manuel Martínez Baez

Authored over 200 papers and 5 books  (about 9,000 citations)

Respected as world authority in intercellular junctions in epithelia (1970s) and amebiasis


First to show clearly the relationship between specific granules of cardiac auricle and the regulation of arterial pressure

The fine structure of the heart muscle cells with special reference to specific granules. Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Master Thesis (1966)

Performed classical papers on adenovirus replication (1967-8)

Detailed the ultramicroscopic changes of cell cover and intercellular junctions and the surface of cancerous cells (1969-70)

Authored a classic paper on cell cover of normal and cancerous animal cells

The surface coats of animal cells. International Review of Cytology 29:29, 1970

Described transitional cells in dog heart

With J. Alanís & D. Benítez. Transitional cardiac cells of the conductive system of the dog heart. Distinguishing morphological and electrophysiological features. J. Cell Biology 47:1-17, 1970

First to demonstrate the existence of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Entamoeba sp.

Authored the important book  the Biology of Entamoeba histolytica (1982)

With H. Aréchiga & A. Huberman discovered neurodepressing hormone that regulates the excitability of nervous system in Crustacea (1977)

Described the apparent association between varicella zoster virus and multiple sclerosis

With J. Sotelo, G. Ordoñez, B. Pineda et al. Varicella zoster virus in progressive forms of multiple sclerosis. Clin. Neurol. Neurosurg. 112(8):653-7, 2010

Papers in top-journals

With M. Rojkind. Increase in type I and type III colagens in human alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. 73(2):539-43, 1976

With D. Erliji. Structure of tight junctions in epithelia with different permeability. Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. 72(11):4487-91, 1975

With P.P. da Silva. Distribution of membrane particles and gap junctions in normal and transformed 3T3 cells studied in situ, in suspension and treated with concavalin A. Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. 72(2):572-6, 1975

With P.P. da Silva. Induced redistribution of membrane particles, anionic sites and conA receptors in Entamoeba histolytica. Nature 249(5453):170-1, 1974


International Award for Scientific Research, Karger Society (1967)

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