
Ady Raul da Silva, Brazilian plant geneticist (Rio de Janeiro 02 August 1917 – 18 September 2011)

Developed 26 wheat (IAS13, IAS20, São Borja, Piratini) and 2 oatmeal cultivars

With J.M.V. Andrade & J.C. Leite. Duas novas cultivares de trigo para a região do Brasil Central: BR9 Cerrados e BR10 Formosa. Pesq. Agrop. Bras. 19:109-13, 1984

Improved selection methods for wheat varieties resistant to rust and other diseases

Identified new races of wheat rust

Estudos preliminaries para a produção de variedades de trigo resistentes as ferrugens no Brasil. Serv. Nac. Pesq. Agron. B1 (1947) (isolated seven races of leaf rust)

With E.T. Coelho & A.V. da Silva. Identificação de raças de ferrugem da folha do trigo, no Brasil pelo uso de um novo grupo de variedades. Robigo 10:7-22, 1960  

With E.T. Coelho. Novas raças fisiológicas de ferrugem do colmo no Rio Grande do Sul. Robigo (1964)

Other contributions

With E.T. Coelho. The identification of physiologic races of Puccinia graminis var. tritici by wheat isogenic or substitution lines, carrying genes for resistance. Wheat Inform. Serv. 17:33-4, 1964

Discovered that wheat male sterility (sterile spikelets) is due to an interaction of climactic factors and the boron (1977)

Pointed out the tolerance to toxic aluminium that a number of plants present   

Showed that is possible distinguish the seeds of red rice from those of cultivars by translucidity