
Agustín Domingo Marenzi Bula, Argentine biochemist and pharmacist (Buenos Aires 20 December 1900 – 1967)

Authored 265 publications

Adapted Pulfrich photometer to a number of quantitative techniques

Established that sulfoconjugation process is found in almost all organs and mainly in small intestine (1933-4)


With R. Gerschman developed Gerschman-Marenzi method for studying changes in blood potassium concentration under distinct physiopathological conditions in Anales Farm. Bioquim. 3:107-11, 1932

Developed a new procedure for determination of choline

With C. E. Cardini. The colorimetric determination of choline. J. Biol. Chem. 147:363, 1943

Folin-Marenzi method and uric acid reagent

With O. Folin. An improved colorimetric method for the determination of cystine in proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 83:103-8, 1929

Microméthode permettant de déterminer la cystine des protéines. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 104:405-7, 1930

With C.J. Gómez. A new simple and colorimetric method for the determination of fibrinogen. Bull. Soc. Chem. Biol. 33(3-4):409-12, 1951

With E.C. Cardini. Colorimetric micromethod for determining total and unsaturated fat acids of blood. Rev. Soc. Arg. Biol. 19:118-30, 1930

Marenzi-Banfi technique for determination of sulphates

Marenzi-Moglia-Villalonga technique for total proteins (1946)

Marenzi-Bragger colorimetric method for ketosteroids (1949)

Marenzi method for determination of total phenols (modification of Theis-Benedict method)

Modified Briggs method for determination of magnesium (1939)

Modified McCarthy-Sullivan method for determination of methionine

Modified Wintrobe technique for globular volume