
Albert Stanley Muller, US-born Latin American mycologist and plant pathologist (Ozone Park, New York State 11 July 1901 – 1983?)

With C.D. Chupp first to describe cassava leaf blight (1935)

With C.E. Chardón & J.H. Muller. Phyllachora tropicalis on guava. Mycologia 32(2):172-204, 1942 (first report)

With M.F. Barrus first to report potato smut (1943)

A foliar disease of legumes in Central America. FAO Plant Protection Bull. 1:83-4, 1953

With R. Schieber. A leaf blight of corn (Zea mays) incited by Fusarium moniliforme. Phytopathology 58:554, 1968

Described 62 new fungi species being 59 of them with C.D. Chupp