
Alberto Pedro Calderón Cores, US / Argentine mathematician (Mendoza 14 September 1920 – Chicago 16 April 1998)

Authored about 80 papers

With Antoni Zygmund formulated the singular integrals and invented techniques that became  standard tools in harmonic analysis 

Created pseudodifferential calculus

Introduced Lipschitz spaces and parabolic Hp spaces

Introduced the inverse conductivity problem

With Aronszajn & Smith introduced Bessel potential operators

First obtained general theorems of unicity for equations systems in partial derivatives 

With C.P. Calderón. A representation formula and its applications to singular integrals


Wolf Prize in Mathematics  (1989)

National Medal of Science, United States (1992)

Invited Lecturer, International Congress of Mathematicians (1950, 1966 & 1978)


Calderón-Zygmund singular integrals  

Calderón-Zygmund decomposition 

Calderón-Zygmund operators 

Calderón-Zygmund kernel

Calderón-Zygmund lemma

Calderón-Zygmund inequalities 

Arens-Calderón lemma

Shilov-Arens-Calderón theorem 

Calderón-Toeplitz operator

Calderón couples

Calderón condition

Calderón maximal operator

Calderón product

Calderón projector

Calderón reproducing formula for characterizing  wavelets  

Calderón extension theorem

Calderón-Vaillancourt theorem

Benedek-Calderón-Panzone principle

Calderón unicity theorem for Cauchy problem (1958) 

Calderón-Hardy spaces