
Alberto Urrets Zavalía Maldonado, Argentine ophthalmologist (Cordoba 30 September 1920 – Cordoba 31 July 2010)

Authored about 200 presentations and publications


Individualized the cyclovertical component in strabismus

First to propose the dehydration of the vitreous body in glaucoma patients before ocular surgery

Described the V-Z procedure for the correction of senile ectropion

First noticed the element of vertical incomitance in a case of horizontal strabismus known later as AV pattern (1948)

Authored Décollement de la rétine (1968), a standard work in this field for many years

Developed a fixation pick and scleral depressor for retinal detachment surgery (Urrets Zavalía depressor and fixation pick) and the Urrets Zavalía scleral marker


Described bilateral congenital inferior oblique palsy (1948)

Family primary hypoplasia of the orbital margin. Trans. Am. Acad. Ophthal. Otolaryng. 59:42-59, 1955

A fixed, dilated pupil iris atrophy and secondary glaucoma. A distinct clinical entity following penetrating keratoplasty in keratoconus. Am. J. Ophth. 56:257-65, 1963 (Urrets Zavalía syndrome)

With E.S. Jimenez. Hereditary ciliary and superciliary hypotrichosis of a dominant character. Brit. J. Ophthal. 42:697-708, 1964

With C. Katz. Corneal hemochromatosis: an unique type of corneal dystrophy involving the anterior stroma and both limiting membranes. Amer. J. Ophthal. 72(1):88-96, 1971


Castroviejo Award, Cornea Society (1983)