
Alvaro Fróes da Fonseca, Brazilian anatomist and anthropologist (Porto Alegre 26 March 1890 – 1988)

Reported possibly an unique case in anatomic literature about anastomosis in cranial nerves

De Nature lusu. Sobre uma anastomose entre os IX e XII pares craneanos. Doctoral Thesis (1914)

Reported a variety of pelvic colon

1 – Sobre uma variedade do colon pelvico. Descripção e apresentação da peça. 2 – Ligamentos do joelho. Comm. Soc. Med. Bahia (1921-5)


Created a new anthropometric index  the superoinferior index of body (1926)

Idealized diameters and indices such as bucal, bi-orbital, interloculo nasal, nasal bizygomatic  and Froes da Fonseca tibio-pelvic indices

A new index relating to upper and lower halves of sternal body, presented a new technique for measuring sternum and proposed the relation between mean width and length in Contribuição da anatomia do esterno (1926)

Modified Dubois cephalization formula and Lapicque radio-pelvic index

Modified Kruse scale (Froes-Kruse scale)

Developed new models of notecards for anthropometric measures in As novas fichas antropológicas do Museu Nacional (1926) improved in 1933

Invented multimeter leveller

Eponym of Froes da Fonseca technique (gasserectomy with conservation of motor roots)


Life Member, Anatomisch Gesellschaft (1939)