
Anjali Roy, Indian mycologist (fl.1961-98)


With A.B. De. Taxonomy of Hexagonia scutellata comb. nov. J. Mycopath. Research (1998)

With A.B. De. New records of Polyporaceae from India (1997)  

With A.B. De. Polyporaceae of India (1996)

With B. Bhattacharjee & A.L. Majumder. Beta-glucosidase of a white-rot fungus Trametes gibbosa. Biochem. Internat. 28(5), 1992

With A. Mitra & S. Dutta. New records of two wood rotting fungi from India. Indian Forester 11(2): 1985

With M.S. Singh. Studies on human pathogenic fungi from soil (1984-5)

With A. Pal & A.B. De. Nuclear behavior in basidia of Polyporus antihelminthicus Berk. Nova Hedwigia 36, 

Studies on the Indian polypores. VI. Morphological and cultural characters of Irpex flavus Klotzsch. Nova Hedwigia 34:259-63, 1981

Taxonomy of Fomes durissimus. Mycologia 71:1005-8, 1979

Structures of zones in fruiting bodies of Polyporaceae. Nova Hedwigia 27:801-4, 1976

Record of Poria xylostromatoides from India (1973)

Some microstructures in relation to Polyporaceae. Mycopath. Mycol. Applicata 48:111-9, 1972

A significant variation of Microsporon gypseum. Mycopathol. 37:45-8, 1969  

Anatomy of Indian Polyporaceae. Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 22, 1968

Studies on hyperpigmented form of Trichophyton rubrum (1964)

With A. Mitra. Taxonomy of Daedalea flavida Lev.


Royoporus A.B. De 1996 (Fungi)