Antonio Paes de Carvalho, Brazilian electrical physiologist and entrepneur (Rio de Janeiro 13 June 1935 – Rio de Janeiro 17 September 2021)
Authored at least 28 papers, 5 books and 10 book chapters
Obtained the first record of cellular electrical activity in atrioventricular node
With Brian F. Hoffman. Transmembrane potential of single fibers of the atrioventricular node. Nature 181:66-7, 1958
Discovered the specialized pathways of atrial conduction and characterized its electrical activity
With W.C. Mello & B.F. Hoffman. Electrophysiological evidence for specialized fiber types in rabbit atrium. Am. J. Physiol. 196:483-8, 1959
First description of mechanism of puncture and slow conduction by atrioventricular node
With B.F. Hoffmann & P.F. Cranefield. Effects of acetylcholine on single fibers of atriooventricular node. Circ. Research 7:19-23, 1959
Proposed the concept that cardiac muscle action potential consisted of two distinct components
With B. F. Hoffman & W. Langan. Two components of the cardiac action potentials. Nature 211:938-40, 1965