Abelardo Aquiles Silveira Guido, Uruguayan agricultural entomologist (1914 – 2004)
Recognized as a world expert on biological control of agricultural pests
With H.G. Fowler. Megacephala fulgida: a phonotactically orienting predator of Scapteriscus mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae). Cicindela (1989)
With E.F. Legner. Establishment of Goniozus emigratus and G. legneri (Hym:Bethylidae) on navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Lepidoptera:Phycitidae) in California and biological control potential. Entomophaga 28(2):97-105, 1983
With E.F. Legner, G. Gordh & M.E. Badgley. New wasp may help control navel orangeworm. California Agriculture 36(5):4-5, 1982
With R. Charudattan, D.E. McKinney & H.A. Cordo. Uredo eichhorniae a potential biocontrol agent for waterhyacinth (1978)
With D.H. Habeck. Natural enemies of strangler, Morrenia odorata and two closely related species, M. brachystephana and Araujia hortorum in Uruguay (1977)
With R. Charudattan, H.A. Cordo & F.W. Zettler. Obligate pathogens of the milkweed vine Morrenia odorata as biocontrol agents (1976)
With B. David Perkins. Biology and host specificity of Cornops aquaticum (Bruner) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), a potential biological control agent for waterhyacinth. Environ. Entom. (1975)
With J. Carbonell Bruhn & C. Crisci. Animals associated with the Solenopsis (fire ants) complex, with special reference to Labauchenia daguerrei. Proc. Tall Timbers Conf. Ecol. Animal control Habit Manag. 4:41-52, 1973
Dados preliminaries de biologia y especificidad de Acigona ignitalis Hamps. (Lep, Pyralidae) sobre el husped Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms Laubach (Pontederiaceae). Rev. Soc. Entomol. Arg. 32:137-45, 1971
Investigations on natural enemies of ants (1969)
With C. Crisci & J. Carbonell Bruhn. Investigations on the biology and biological control of the fire ant (Solenopsis saevissima richteri) Forel in Uruguay (1967)
With J. Carbonell Bruhn. Nuevo metodo para la valoración de los daños del “barrenador de la caña de azúcar” (Diatraea saccharalis F.). Rev. Per. Ent. 9(1):130-3, 1966
Nueva plaga agrícola para el Uruguay: la mosquita del sorgo (Contarinia sp., Diptera Cecidomyiidae) (1965)
With J. Carbonel, Bruhn. Los insectos enemigos del girasol en el Uruguay. Bol. Fac. Agron. Univ. Montevideo 81:59-62, 1965
With J. Carbonell Bruhn. Investigaciones sobre un factor (f) em la estimación de las poblaciones de Tucuras (1965)
Studies of the parasites and predators of several insects of economic importance. Final Report (1965)
Natural enemies of weed plants. Final Report (1965)
With J.F. Carbonell & O. Nuñez. Investigaciones sobre acridoideos del Uruguay (1958)
With H.L. Parker & P.A. Berry. Host-parasite and parasite-host lists of insects reared in the South American Parasite Laboratory during the period 1940-1946. Rev. As. Ing. Agron. 92, 1951 (Separata)
La langosta Schistocerca cancellata y su control. Rev. Fac. Agron. Montevideo 44:69-166, 1947
With E. Conde Jahn. El pulgón verde de los cereales (Toxoptera graminum Rond.) del Uruguay. Rev. Fac. Agron. Montevideo (1945)
El gorgojo del apio en el Uruguay. Ingen. Agron. B. Aires 26:16, 1943