
Aristides Marques da Cunha, Brazilian protozoologist (Rio Grande do Sul State 18 February 1887 – Rio de Janeiro 29 August 1949)


With J. Muniz definitely showed the existence of chromatin in bacteria (Bacillus anthracis)

Studied in details the endomixia in Ciliata (with J. Muniz & G. de Freitas)

Showed that the pandemic flu was a virosis independently

With O. Magalhães & O. Fonseca. Estudos experimentais sobre a influenza pandemica. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 10:174-91, 1918

Discovered American Visceral Leishmaniasis and described Leishmania chagasi 

With E. Chagas. Estudos sobre o parasita. In: Leishmaniose Visceral Americana, nova entidade mórbida do homem na América do Sul. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 32:239-337, 1937

Described an antigen for complement fixation reaction in leishmaniases

With E. Dias. Sur la preparation d’un antigene stable pour la reaction de fixation du complement dans les leishmanioses. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 129:991-3, 1938

With E. Dias proposed a serological reaction for visceral and /or cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brasil Medico 53:89-92, 1939

Described many species of Protozoa from freshwater and marine plankton and parasites of mammalian cavities

described protozoa taxa


Cyathodiniidae 1914

Hallidae 1927

Paraisotrichidae 1927


Bundleia 1928 with Muniz

Buissonella 1925 with Muniz

Cruzella 1923 with Faria & Pinto

Cyathodinium 1914

Cyathodinioides 1936 with Freitas

Eucamptocerca 1914

Eutreptiella 1913

Hydrochoerella 1925 with Muniz

Paracyathodinium 1944 with Freitas

Protohallia 1927 with Muniz

Protolutzia 1925 with Muniz

Prototapirella 1918

Rhynchodinium 1927 with Penido

Spirorhynchus 1915

Toxodinium 1938 with Muniz

Tritopsylla 1929

Tropidomonas 1915


At least 90 new species

honors (protozoa: ciliophora)

Cunhaia Hasselmann 1918

Cunhamunizia Ito & Imai 2000