
Aron Jurkiewicz, Brazilian pharmacologist (Santos, São Paulo State 12 December 1938 –

Proposed relative responsiveness or rho ratio a new parameter for classification of receptor system, which measures the capability of a receptor system to induce a maximal contraction after saturation by a full agonist

With N.H. Jurkiewicz, G.G. Barros & J.R. Valle. Relative responsiveness (ρ) of pharmacological receptor systems in the rat vas deferens. Pharmacology 2:89-99, 1969

Responsividade relativa de receptores farmacológicos (ρ): considerações teóricas e determinação experimental (1970)

Demonstrated the fade response of vas deferens of castrated rat induced by a maximal dose of barium chloride

With A. Langeloh & A.D. Guedes. Time-response curves for barium and noradrenaline in vas deferens of castrated rat.  Europ. J. Pharmacol. (1977)

Synthesized with colleagues a new series of tacripyrines having the moieties of tacrine and nimodipine that inhibit acetylcholinesterase with a potency about 1000 fold lower than that of physostigmine or tacrine, being potential therapeutic agents in Alzheimer disease  

With A. Caricati-Neto, A.R.M.S. Brito, S.S. Mulford & P.A. Busatto. A double perfusion system with two-channel recording for the simultaneous study of the contractile response of the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers of the rat vas deferens (1990)

Verified that voltage-dependent calcium channels of cell membranes are ruled by hormones and adrenergic innervation

Verified that the density of alpha adenoceptors and calcium channels rise in the hypertension

Reported the first time that nitric oxide behaves a second messenger for the neurotransmission in rat vas deferens 

With N.H. Jurkiewicz & I. Vladimirova. Evidence for participation of nitric oxide in excitatory neurotransmitter in rat vas deferens. Life Sciences 55:1123-8, 1994

Solved the calcium paradox

With L. Berganti, A. Caricati-Neto et al. Novel model for calcium paradox in sympathetic transmission of smooth muscles. Role of cyclic AMP pathway. Cell calcium (2013)