
Arrigo Antonio Raia, Brazilian surgeon (Araraquara, São Paulo State 23 August 1912 – São Paulo 23 October 2019)

Authored 287 papers and 85 book chapters

First to describe the lesions of myoenteric plexus  of stomach caused by Trypanosoma cruzi

Distinguished the differences of acquired and congenital megaesophagus


With J E M Cunha & M.C.C. Machado. New technique of pancreaticojejunal anastomosis after partial pancreaticoduodenectomy. American Journal of Surgery 139:451-453, 1984.

With H.W. Pinotti, B. Zilberstein, G. Ellenbogen & J.J. Gama-Rodrigues. Lateral deviation esophagostomy. New simplified technical procedure. Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam. 12(2):135-41, 1982

With H.W. Pinotti, B. Zilberstein & W.M.Pollara. Esophagectomy without thoracotomy. Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. (1981)

With W.M. Pollara, R. Gemperli & H.W. Pinotti. O problema do câncer no megaesôfago. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 26:379-81, 1980   

With G. Ellenbogen, J.J. Gama-Rodrigues, I.F. Carril & H.W. Pinotti. Lateral esophagostomy of derivation. A new simplified technical procedure. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 24(6):191-4, 1978 

With J.E. Monteiro, T. Bacchella & M.C.C. Machado. A modified technique for the reconstruction of the alimentary tract after pancreatoduodenectomy. Surg. Gynecol. Obst. 143:271, 1976.

With O. Simonsen, N.A.G. Stolfi, F. Aun & A. Habr-Gama. Rectal sphincter reconstruction in perineal colostomies after abdominoperineal resection for cancer. Brit.J. Surg. (1976)

With H.W. Pinotti, G. Ellenbogen, R. Arab Fadul & J.J. Gama-Rodrigues. New bases for the surgical treatment of megaesophagus: esophagocardiomyotomy with esophagus-fundus-gastropexy. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 20:331-4, 1974  

With J.J. Gama-Rodrigues. Moléstia cística do fígado: apresentação de caso e de nova técnica de tratamento cirúrgico. São Paulo Med Journal 73(2):65-72, 1968.

With J. Haddad & A. Correa Netto. Abaixamento retro-retral do cólon com colostomia perineal no tratamento do megacólon adquirido. Operação de Duhamel modificada. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 11: 83-85, 1965.


With J. Faintuch, F.B. Jatene, M.C. Machado, J.J. Gama-Rodrigues, T. Szego et al. Enteral nutrition through naso-jejunal intubation. Presentation of a new tube made of silicone rubber. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. São Paulo 36(4):158-61, 1981

With J.J. Gama Rodrigues, G. Ellenbogen & H.W. Pinotti. New orientation in distal esophagectomy: reconstruction by esophagogastric anastomoses with an anti-reflux valve.  Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 21(1):21-4, 1975


Jurzykowski Award (1992)