
Benjamin Gilbert, English-born Brazilian organic chemist (Felixstowe, Suffolk 27 September 1929-

Authored nearly 200 scientific publications mainly about Brazilian natural products and control of vectors in endemic diseases

Isolated and elucidated structures of a number of indolic alkaloids in Apocynaceae plants

Phytochemistry & Parasitology 

Identified with W.B. Mors and  J. Pellegrino, 14, 15-epoxi-geranylgeraniol, from fruit oil of  Pterodon pubescens, that prevents the schistosomal cercariae penetration in host skin (1967)

With H. Moussatché, H. Lent & M. Kitagawa. Insect juvenile hormone-like activity in a diterpene. Rev. Bras. Biol. 30(1):55-60, 1970

With J. Pellegrino & D. Santos Filho. Extract of Enterolobium timbouva Martius, 1837, a penetration stimulant for cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. Rev. Bras. Pesq. Med. Biol. 4(4-5):315-6, 1971

With J. Pellegrino, J.P. Souza, C.C. Fortes, D. Santos Filho, A.P. de Seabra & M. Kitagawa. Chemo prophylactic agentes in schistosomiasis. I. Active and inactive terpenes. J. Parasitol. 56:397, 1970

With W. Vichnewski. Schistosomicidal sesquiterpenes lactone from Eremanthus elasagnus. Phytochem. 11:2563-6, 1972

With P.M. Baker, C.C. Fortes, E.G. Fortes, G. Gazzinelli, J.N.C. Lopes, J. Pellegrino, T.C.B. Tomassini & W. Vichnewski. Chemoprophylactic agents in schistosomiasis, eremanthine, costunolide, alpha cyclo costunolide and bisabolol. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 24:853-7, 1972

With W.B. Mors, P.M. Baker, T.C.B. Tomassini, J. Pellegrino, N. Katz et al. A atividade anti-helmintica dos oleos essenciais e de seus components químicos. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 44:423-8, 1972 

With D. Santos Filho, W. Vichnewski & P.M. Baker. Prophylaxis of schistosomiasis. Diterpenes from Pterodon pubescens Benth. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 44(1):45-9, 1972

With J.P. de Souza, M. Fascio, A.P. de Seabra & J. Pellegrino. Esquistossomose: proteção contra infecção por terpenóides. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 42:397-400, 1970 (Suppl)

With N. Nunes da Rocha, R. Borojevic & J. Pellegrino. Schistosoma mansoni in vitro transformation of cercarial into schistosomules. Parasitology 64:333, 1972 

With E.G. Goulart, J.C. Holanda, J.A.R. Costa et al. Inibição da evolução externa de Strongyloides stercoralis e ancilostomídeos por produtos naturais. Rev. Bras. Med. 29(1), 1972

With D. dos Santos Filho, J.L.C. Lopes, S.J. Sarti, W. Vichnewski et al. Atividade anti helmíntica de óleos essenciais (1973)

Natural product derivatives in tropical insect and parasite control (1977)

With A.V. Pinto, M.C.R. Pinto, J. Pellegrino & R.M. Mello. Schistosomiasis mansoni: blockage of cercarial skin penetration by chemical agents: I. Naphthoquinones and derivatives. Trans. Royal Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 71:133-5, 1977


With J.P. Kutney & W.D.C. Warnock first to report the natural occurrence of glycoside pinocembrin-7-β-neohesperidoside (1970)

With J. Couceiro Simões, W.J. Cretney, M. Hearn & J.P. Kutney. The alkaloids of Aspidosperma cuspa: 16-epi-isositsirikine, a new indole base. Phytochem. 15:543-4, 1976

With W. Vichnewski, S.J. Sarti & W. Herz. Goyazensolide, a schistosomicidal heliangolide from Eremanthus goyazensis. Phytochem. 15(1):191-3, 1976

With M.C. Nascimento & W.B. Mors. Um novo grupo de heterociclos oxigenados de Derris araripensis Ducke. Cien. Cult. 24(6):129-30, 1972

With C.C. Fortes, M. Nunes da Rosa & A.P. Seabra. Investigação química da saúva  Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Arq. Museu Nac. 54:281, 1971

With M. F. Santos Filho, W.B. Mors & N.T. Nishida. Two new diterpenes from Pterodon pubescens Benth. Anais Acad. Bras. Ciencias 42:97-101, 1970 (Suppl)

With L.D. Antonaccio, J.C. Braekman, C. Hootele, C. Van Moorleghem, M. Kaiser & J. Pecher. Indole alkaloids. XVII. Five dihydroindole alkaloids from Aspidosperma verbascifolium. Bull. Soc. Chim. (1969)

With B. Tursch, I.S. Guimarães, R. Aplin, A.M. Duffield & C. Djerassi. Chemical studies of marine invertebrates. II. Terpenoids. LVIII. Griseogenin, a new triterpenoid sapogenin of the sea cucumber Haloderma grisea L. Tetrahedron 23:761-7, 1967

With J.M. Ferreira Filho, M. Kitagawa, L.A.Paes Leme & L.J. Durham. Four heptacyclic alkaloids from Aspidosperma species. J. Chem. Org. Soc. 14:1260-6, 1966

With J.A. Joule, M. Ohashi & C. Djerassi. Alkaloid studies. 53. Structures of  9 new alkaloids from Aspidosperma dasycarpon DC. Tetrahedron 21(7):1717, 1965  

With A.P. Duarte, Y. Nakagawa, J.A. Joule, K.s. Brown Jr., C. Djerassi et al. Alkaloid studies. L. The alkaloids of twelve Aspidosperma species. Tetrahedron 21(5):1141-66, 1965

With J.A. Joule, H.J. Monteiro, L.J. Durham & C. Djerassi. Alkaloid studies. 48. Structure of apparicine, a novel Aspidosperma alkaloid. J. Chem. Soc. p. 4773, 1965

With M. Ohashi, J.A. Joule & C. Djerassi. The structures of five new Aspidosperma alkaloids related to uleine. Experientia 20(7):363-4, 1964   

With M.E.A. Gilbert, M.M. Oliveira, O. Ribeiro, A. Wenkert, B. Wickberg, U. Hollstein & H. Rapaport. The aporphine and isoquinolinedione alkaloid of Ocotea glaziovii. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 86:684, 1964   

With B. Tursch, E. Tursch, I.T. Harrison, G.B.C.T. C. B. Silva, H.J. Monteiro, W.B. Mors & C. Djerassi. Terpenoids. LIII. Demonstration of a ring conformational changes in triterpenes of the β-amyrin class isolated from Stryphnodendron coriaceum. J. Org. Chem. 28(9), 1963 (obtained a series of novel triterpenoids sapogenins)

With C. Djerassi, Y. Nakagawa, J.M. Wilson, H. Budzikiewicz & L.D. Antonaccio. The structure of the Aspidosperma alkaloid compactinervine. Cell. Molec. Life Sciences 19(9):467-9, 1963

With J. Aguayo, F. Neville, W.I. Taylor, H. Budzikiewicz, J.M. Wilson & C. Djerassi. Mass spectrometry in structural and stereochemical problems. XX. Carapanaubine, a new alkaloid from Aspidosperma carapanauba and some observations on mass spectra of oxindole alkaloids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 85(10):1523-8, 1963

With L.D. Antonaccio, N.A. Pereira, H. Vorbuegger, H. Budzikiewicz, J.M. Wilson, L.J. Durham & C. Djerassi. Alkaloid studies. XXXIII. Mass spectrometry in structural and stereochemical problems. VI. Polyneuridine, a new alkaloid from Aspidosperma polyneuron, and some observations on mass spectra of indole alkaloids. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84(24):5001, 1962

With J. Aguayo Brissolese, J.M. Wilson, H. Budzikiewicz, L.J. Durham & C. Djerassi. The alkaloids of Aspidosperma limae Woodson: aspidolimidine, aspidolimine, demethoxypalosine and aspidocarpine. Chem. Ind. p.1949-50, 1962

With C. Djerassi, L.D. Antonaccio, T. George & A.A. P. Archer. Alkaloid studies. 30. Isolation and constitution of 3 new Aspidosperma alkaloids cylindrocarpine, cylindrocarpidine and pyrifolidine. Tetrahedron 16(1-4):212, 1961

With L.B. Antonaccio, A.A. Archer & C. Djerassi. Alkaloid studies. XXIII. Isolation of four new Aspidosperma cylindrocarpin, refractine, pyrifoline and pyrifolidine alkaloids. Experientia 16:61-2, 1960 


With J.F.G. Pereira, I.V. Silva Jr., A. Svaiter, A.M. Oliveira Filho, C.E. dos Santos, J.B. Machado & D.F. Teixeira. Device to prevent the action of mosquitoes and other hematophagous insects (1998)

With J.F.G. Pereira, I.V. Silva Jr., A. Svaiter, A.M. Oliveira Filho, C.E. dos Santos, J.B. Machado & D.F. Teixeira. Process for obtaining an andiroba based formulation and the use of extract of andiroba husks for prevent the action of mosquitoes and other insects (2001)