
Carlos José Botelho Junior, Brazilian physician (São Paulo c.1884 – São Paulo 14 June 1960)

Observed that citric acid enables iodine in potassium iodide to precipitate proteins and sera more readily in the serum of cancer patients that in that of normal subjects (1917) and developed Botelho reaction or test based on it that was improved by Ichikawa (1928) 

Proposed a formula to use in Botelho’s reaction (Q=40/i, being Q the desired amount of serum and i the refractometric index of serum in albumin equivalents)   

Created Hartmann-Botelho solution for local treatment of ulcerative cancer

With H. Hartmann. Resultats experimentaux de tentatives d’inocculation de cancer humain au chien 

Mudança de cor de uma solução iodo-iodina quando em presença de órgãos considerados como tendo um poder anti-blastico ou pro-blastico (1937)


Sur un nouvelle methode pour la mise en evidence de bleu de methylene dans le urines. Comptes Rendus Seances Soc. Biol. 81:291, 1918

Sur une nouvelle methode simple et rapide pour la double coloration des bactéries sporulées (A description of a new and simple method for double staining of sporulated bacteria). Comptes Rendus Seances Soc. Biol. 81:183-4, 1918 

Milieu pour déceler les bacilles du groupe typhique dans un milieu impur (Culture medium for rapidly detecting the presence of bacilli of the typhoid group). Comptes Rendus Seances Soc. Biol. 80:435-7, 1917 & J.R. Micro. Soc. 425, 1917 


Trypanosoma pedrozi 1914 with Carini

Sur deux nouveaux trypanosomes des poissons. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 59(2):128-9, 1907