Carlos Justiniano Ribeiro das Chagas, Brazilian physician (Oliveira, Minas Gerais State 09 July 1878 – Rio de Janeiro 08 November 1934)
Regarded as world authority on hygiene and tropical pathology
Discovered and described Chagas disease (1909), identifying etiologic agent (Trypanosoma cruzi), studying its biology and morphology, way of transmission, clinical manifestations, general principles of its epidemiology, its wild reservoir and intermediate host
Nova tripanozomiase humana. Estudos sobre a morfolojia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi n.gen; n.sp; ajente etiologico de nova entidade mórbida. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 1:159-218, 1909.
Described Chagasic cardiopathy (1922)
With Eurico Villela. Forma cardiaca da tripanosomiase Americana. Mem. inst. Oswaldo Cruz 14: 5-61, 1922.
Described anasarca and hepatomegaly in Chagas disease
Enunciated home theory of malaria transmission undertaking the first successful campaign against malaria in the world (1905)
First to describe lesions of bone marrow in malaria
Described edematous form of quartan fever
Clarified pernicious outbursts in malaria
Discovered Pneumocystis sp. in human beings (1911)
First reported the phenomenon of Anopheles stinging during daytime in the sunlight
Anopheles nigritarsis 1907
Anopheles (Anopheles) intermedius 1908
Anopheles (Myzorhynchella) parvus 1907
Anopheles pseudomaculipes 1908
Cellia braziliensis 1907 (the first diurnal Anopheline known)
Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) juxtamansonia 1907
Genus Prowazekia 1910 with Hartmann
Subgenus Schizotrypanum 1909
Cercomastix parva 1910 with Hartmann
Chagasella hartmanni 1910
Haemogregariona lutzi 1910 with Hartmann
Trypanosoma cruzi 1909
Trypanosoma minasense 1909
Doctor Honoris causa, Harvard University (1921)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Paris
Doctor Honoris Causa, Université Libre de Bruxelles (1934)
Schaudinn Prize (1912)
Kummel Prize (1925)
Medicine & Physiology Nobel Prize nominee (1913 & 1921)
Subgenus Chagasia Cruz 1906 (Diptera)
Genus Chagasella Machado 1912 (Protozoa)
Chagas disease
Asteroid Chagas 9483