
Carlos Eugenio Cardini Bellati, Argentine biochemist (Buenos Aires 09 December 1911 – 1991)

From Italian grandparents

With R. Caputto, L.F. Leloir and A. Paladini discovered sugar nucleotides, determined its chemical nature and showed that play a key role in sugar interconversion and polysaccharides synthesis (1948)

With L.F. Leloir established that in plant tissues two reactions can lead to synthesis of sucrose (1953-5)

With L.F. Leloir suggested the involvement of uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine in chitin synthesis (1953)

With L.F. Leloir and J. Chiriboga synthesized sucrose (1955)

With L.F. Leloir described an alternative mechanism for synthesis of glycogen from UDP-glucose and glycogen synthase (1957)

With Yamaha & Leloir demonstrated that glycosides synthesis via UDPG (1960)

With Fekete & Leloir discovered enzymatic system that catalyzes sucrose transformation into starch (1960)

With Rosalía B. de Frydman & Luis F. Leloir demonstrated that phytoglycogen biosynthesis from ADP-glucose (1965)

With R.E. Trucco. A new phosphoric esther of glucose and its function as a coenzyme. Cien. Invest. 4(10):433-5, 1948


With Cabib and Leloir suggested the use of sodium chloride in dilute hydrochloric acid for eluting nucleotides from a column of ion-exchange resin and introduced the technique of purifying nucleotides with Norite 

Developed a new procedure for determination of choline

With A.D. Marenzi. The colorimetric determination of choline. J. Biol. Chem. 147:363, 1943

A procedure for preparation of β-α-nitrosonaphthol and an assay for cobalt

With W. Jung & M. Fuksman. El  β-α-nitrosonaftol como reactive del cobalto. II. Colorimetria y fotometria del cobalto. Anal. Asoc. Quim. Arg. 21:191, 1943 

With A.D. Marenzi. Colorimetric micromethod for determining total and unsaturated fat acids of blood. Rev. Soc. Arg. Biol. 19:118-30, 1930


With T. Yamaha. Biosynthesis of plant glycosides from uridine diphosphate glucose. Nature 182 (4647):1446-7, 1958

With M.A. Rongine de Fekete & L.F. Leloir. Mechanism of starch biosynthesis. Nature 187:918-9, 1960

With J.C. Trivelloni & E. Recondo. Adenosine diphosphate glucose and glucoside biosynthesis. Nature 195:1202, 1962   


Leloir pathway or Leloir cycle or Leloir-Cardini cycle (galactose metabolism)

Leloir-Cardini enzyme (UDP glucose glycogen transglucoxylase)