Carlos Heuser, Argentine radiologist (Buenos Aires 08 February 1868 – Buenos Aires 28 March 1934)
First to use a constrast medium in the human vessels (first venography and pulmonary angiography)
Pielografia con yoduro de sodio y las inyecciones intravenosas de yoduro potasico en radiografia. Sem. Med. 26:424, 1919
First to use Lipiodol (iodized oil) to create a radiograph of uterine cavity creating hysterosalpingography by Lipiodol (1921)
Developed a hysterosalpingography method employing Lipiodol and Vaseline (1924)
Lipiodol in the diagnosis of pregnancy. The Lancet 206 (5335): 1111-2, 1925
La metrosalpingografia. Sem. Med. 33:1667-71, 1926
Introduced a protective mask for use during x-ray utilization
Responsible for many improvements in the field of radiology
Gold Medal, Radiological Society of North America (1931)