Chung Tu Yang

Chung Tu Yang, Taiwanese entomologist (1931 – DESCRIBED NEW TAXA Hemiptera Diodelphax 1989 Ecapelopterum 1994 with Chan Ecdelphax 1989 Epyhemisphaerius 1994 with Chan Eudeferunda 1989 with Chen & Wilson Euhemisphaerius 1994 with Chan Eunycheuma 1989 Eusarima 1994 Eustenopsylla 1984 Eusudasina 1994 Ferganodelphax 1989 Formodanga 1993 with Wu Formodelphax 1989 Formolevu 1994 with Wu Gelastyrella 1994 Homotrioza 1984 Lanshu 1989 with Yang & Wilson Metanigrus 1986 with Tsaur & Wilson Nenasa 1994 with Chan Neoconon 1989 Neodicranotropis 1989 Neokodaiana 1994 Neometopina 1989 Neophacopteron 1984 Neoproutista 1993 with Wu Neopurohita 1986 with Yang Neosarima 1994 Neoterthrona 1989 Neunkanodes 1989 Onidodelphax 1989 Paraconon 1989 Parametopina 1989 Parapamendanga 1994 with Wu Parapeggia 1993 with Wu Paraphyllura 1984 Parapullus 1978 Parapurohita 1986 with Yang Parasarima 1994 Parastenopsylla 1984 Paravindilis 1994 Planusfrons 1989 with Chen & Wilson Preterkelisia 1989 Prodelphax 1989 Semibetatropis 1989 with Chen & Wilson Sinesarina 1994 Synpsylla 1984 Tsaurus 1989 Species About 200 Ephemeroptera (with Kang 1994) Genera Margobaetis Mullerbaetis Tatubaetis Tenuibaetis HONORS (Hemiptera) Yangus Fang 1990 Yangsinolacme Ding 2006

Yibing Xie

Yibing Xie or Yi-Ping Hsieh, Chinese meteorologist (03 April 1917 – 25 August 1995) Found that the structure of East Asian front and jet stream was significantly different from that of North America in the Western Hemisphere and that the Asian “tropical front” and associated subtropical jet stream are stronger than those of North America and identified the existence of high-altitude subtropical jet stream in East Asia and their interaction with polar-frontal jet With Y.Q. Chen. Temperature field and flow field over the western Pacific and northern parts of the East Asian continent in winter. Acta Meteorol. Sinica 22:52-3, 1951 Put forward the concept of Meiyu front A preliminary survey of certain rain-bearing systems over China in spring and summer. Acta Meteorol. Sinica 27:1-23, 1956 Discovered Madden-Julian oceanic phenomenon (1963) before these researchers (1971) Concluded that typhoons are more frequent when the equatorial westerly is anomalously strong and biased northward and eastward of its climatological position With S.J. Chen, Y.L. Zhang & Y.L. Huang. A preliminary statistic and synoptic study about the basic currents over southeastern Asia and the initiation of typhoons. Acta Meteorol. Sinica 33:206-17, 1963 Enunciated theory of moist-baroclinic dynamics of the rainfall system and theory of medium-range variation of the general circulation

Mengchao Wu

Mengchao Wu, Chinese chest surgeon (Minqing County, Fuzhou Province 31 August 1922 – Shanghai 22 May 2021) Achievements Proposed the five lobe and four segment of liver theory (1960) Developed a operation of intermittent interruption of the porta hepatis at room temperature (1963) that evolved to a technique of normothermic total hepatic vascular occlusion for hepatectomy (1980s) Obtained the first successful lobectomy of the middle liver in the world (1963) Removed the largest hepatic cavernous hemangioma in the world of its day (1975) Conducted the world’s first laparoscopic resection of liver tumors (1990s) Proposed ideas as repeat hepatectomy for postoperative recurrent liver cancer and secondary resection for larger tumors (two-stage resection) Originated hepatic artery ligation Proposed biochemical metabolic rules of normal and cirrhotic liver after hepatectomy and established strategies to prevent and correct postoperative metabolic disorders Honors 17606 Wumengchao (Asteroid)

Juan Vazquez Lombera

Juan Policarpo Vazquez Lombera, Mexican mechanical engineer, industrial designer and entrepneur (Progreso de Obregón, Hidalgo State 23 February 1940 – 24 June 2019) Contributions Designed and built over 4,000 machines with technology and design of his own Developed innovatives machines mainly for food industry such as processors, transporters, sorters, bleachers, balers, autoclaves, pasteurizers, washing machines and depletion tunnels (1965-90) Developed a prototype of an Allis Chalmers tractor displaying clock gears and wheel rim ashtrays (1959) winning a manual arts contest of Ford Company Developed Equipo de secado para papel abrasivo. Thesis (1964) A hydrotechnical process for pack mango Patents Apparatus for the temporary storage and or conveyance of articles WO2010059024A1 (2009) With M.A. Vazquez Perez, S.R. López Camacho & J.J. Vazquez Perez. Rampa telescopica movil para transbordo de personas. MX2014/000178 (2016)

Benigno Varela Fuentes

Benigno Varela Fuentes, Spanish-born Uruguayan hepatologist (La Coruña, Spain 07 November 1893 – 22 April 1965) Achievements Expert on liver pathology and biochemistry His book Acidosis y Alcalosis en la Clinica, (1937) gained worldwide fame Observed the presence of a special form of bilirrubin in sera of cancer patients (1933) Demonstrated with colleagues the value of indirect hyperbilirrubinemia as a index of hepatocytic failure (Varela Fuentes symptom) Obtained the ether-extracted bilirubine With C. Viana. De la nature de la bilirubine ethero-extractible de quelque serum icteriques. C.R. Soc. Biol. 114:789, 1933 With C. Viana Giuria. Sobre una nueva forma de bilirrubina indirecta del suero icterico: la bilirrubina eter-extraible. 19:47-50, 1934 La bilirubine extractible par l’ether. Acta Med. Scand. 138:65, 1950 With J.R. Pollero described intercostal percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography Described timed cholecystographic drainage Introduced the duodenal intubation (1948) Eponym of Varela Fuentes duodenal intubation and times of Varela Fuentes With J. Varela López and G. Martínez Prado. Les cinq temps du tubage duodenal normale et leurs modifications dans les cholecystocholangiopathies. Arch. Mal. Appar. Digest. 39:797, 1950 Developed cholecystographic sounding, a method of serial cholecystography (Varela Fuentes-Zubiaurre test) With J. Varela López, L. Zubiarre & G. Martínez Prado. El sondeo colecistográfico. Prensa Med. Argent. 37:13-32, 1950 Varela Fuentes-Canzani-Viana yellow diazorreaction With C. Viana. Sobre una forma anormal de la diazo reacción en el suero de ictericias quirurgicas graves. Relat. Congr. Arg. Cir. 9:306-13, 1937 With R. Canzani. La diazo-reaction jaune anormale de quelques sérums ictériques. Sang 13:101-6, 1939 Varela Fuentes-Recarte method for dosage of bilirrubins in the blood With P. Recarte. Nouvelle technique simplifiée pour le dosage separé des 2 bilirubins, directe et indirecte, des sérums ictériques. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 116:1193-6, 1934 With P. Recarte & J. Esculies. Methode simplifiée pour la séparation et le dosage isolé des 2 bilirubines, directe et indirecte, du sérum sanguin dans les icteres. C. Rend. Soc. Biol. 108:1009-13, 1931 Varela Fuentes-Iraola sign (a radiological sign of acute psoas muscle disease) With J. Iraola. Sobre un signo radiologico de la psoitis aguda. Arch. Urug. Med. Cir. Espec. 10:593-8, 1937 Varela Fuentes-Canzani syndrome With R. Canzani. El sindrome de obstrucción subtotal de las vias biliares. Su diferenciación con la obstrucción total. Arch. Urug. Med. Cir. Espec. 18:385, 1941 OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS With J.R. Polero & M.P. Rubino. Nouvelle technique pour l’anesthésie du phrénique au niveau du cou avec immobilisation respiratoire du foie ou de la rate. Arch. Mal. Appar. Digeest. 49:942-50, 1959 With J. Varela López & G. Martínez Prado. La contribución del laboratorio al diagnostico de la colecistitis cronica alitiasica (1948) With M. Miqueo Narancio. New humoral signs for the early diagnosis of xanthomatous biliary cirrhosis. Prensa Med. Argent. 32:2559-67, 1945 With P. Recarte. Solution colloidale de bilirubine acide. Methode de préparation et propriétés. C.R. Soc. Biol. 117:900, 1934 With E. Apolo & C. Viana. Resultats obtenus avec la nouvelle méthode pour le dosage séparé des bilirubines directe et indirecte dans les sérums icteriques. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. 168:1014-6, 1931 With E. Apolo y Bachilier. Sobre una nueva modificación sanguinea habitual em las parasitosis intestinales: la linfocitosis. An. Fac. Med. Montevideo 11(8):495-510, 1926 EPONYMS Varela Fuentes-Piaggio Blanco sign Varela urine concentration test Varela Fuentes syndrome or nephrotic cholangiopathy Varela Fuentes-Viana severity index for direct bilirrubinemia Varela Fuentes classification of jaundice Varela Fuentes multifenestrated needle for hepatic cirrhosis (1944) Varela Fuentes point in cholangiography (the ninth or tenth intercostal space in the right anterior axillary line) 1957

Wouter Van Hoven

Wouter Van Hoven, South African zoologist and ecologist (1947 – SOME BIBLIOGRAPHY With D. Furstenberg. Condensed tannin as anti-defoliate agent against browsing by giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in the Kruger National Park. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 107:425-31, 1994 With A.G. Schmidt & G.K. Theron. The phytosociology and structure of vegetation near Villa Nova, North-Western Transvaal, South Africa 59:500-10, 1993 Mortalities in kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) populations related to chemical defence of trees. Rev. Zool. Africa 105:141-5, 1991 Tree’s secret warning system against browsers. Custos 13:11, 1984 With E.A. Boomker. The influence of inoculum source on in vitro digestability determination. S. Afr. J. Anim. Sci. 13(3):207-9, 1983 With R.A. Prins & A. lankhorst. Fermentative digestion in the African elephant. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 11(3):78-86, 1981 The digestive physiology in the stomach complex and hindgut of hippopotamus. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res 8(2):59-64, 1978 DESCRIBED PROTOZOA TAXA Family Gilchristidae 2006 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Rhinozetidae 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Genera Arachnodinella 2001 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Arachnodinium 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Digilchristia 2006 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Endoralium 1980 with Eloff Gilchristia 2006 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Phalodinium 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Species Arachnodinella novenum 2001 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Blepharoconus dicerotos 1998 with Gilchrist, Liebenberg & Van der Merwe Blepharoconus krugerensis 1980 with Eloff Blepharosphaera ceratotherii 1998 with Gilchrist, Liebenberg & Van der Merwe Charonina dicerotus 1994 with Gilchrist & Stenson Charonina odontophora 1994 with Gilchrist & Stenson Charonina tenuis 1994 with Gilchrist & Stenson Charonina tetragona 1994 with Gilchrist & Stenson Charonina tortuosa 1994 with Gilchrist & Stenson Didesmis synciliata 1998 with Gilchrist, Liebenberg & Van der Merwe Digilchristia chaconis 2006 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) microlateralis 1984 Diplodinium (Eudiplodinium) sablei 1979 with Hamilton-Atwell & Grobler Diplodinium (Ostracodinium) bohor 1984 Endoralium loxodontae 1980 with Eloff Enoploplastron garstangi 1975 Entodinium bispinosus 1976 with Kleynhans Entodinium fyferi 1975 Entodinium kalaharicus 1976 with Wilkinson Entodinium longicorpus 1976 with Kleynhans Entodinium lucii 1976 with Wilkinson Epidinium lunatus 1975 Gilchristia artemis 2006 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Helicozoster africanus 1998 with Gilchrist & Stenson Helicozoster apicalis 1998 with Gilchrist & Stenson Helicozoster proboscidicus 1980 with Eloff Lavierella klipdrifi 1998 with Gilchrist & Stenson Monoposthium bracchium 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Monoposthium latum 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Monoposthium vulgare 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Phalodinium digitale 1987 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta addoensis 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta caecalis 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta cristata 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta multiplata 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta pedale 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta rhinozeta 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta triciliata 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Rhinozeta unilaminata 1988 with Gilchrist & Hamilton-Atwell Triplumaria alluvia 2008 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Triplumaria corrugata 1998 with Gilchrist & Stenson Triplumaria grypoclunis 2008 with Ito, Miyazaki & Imai Vanhovenia multisuctores 1998 with Gilchrist & Stenson HONORS Vanhovenia Dovgal 2002 (Protozoa)