
Clemente Estable Fallabella, Uruguayan histopathologist and neurophysiologist (Santa Lucia, Canelones Department 1894 – Montevideo 27 October 1976)

Son of Italian immigrants

Authored about 150 works


Enunciated concepts on comparative structure in brain cortex

Note sur la structure comparative de l’ecorce cerebelleuse et derives physiologiques possibles. Trav. Lab. Rech. Biol. Univ. Madrid 21:169-256, 1923 

Enunciated the concept of hipocytomorphosis

Hipocitomorfosis. Arch. Soc. Biol. Montevideo 1:361-74,

Formulated the concept of reversibility synapses and morphological quantitative concepts as synaptic valence and synaptic spectrum

Espectro sináptico, constantes sinápticas y revisión del concepto de sinapsis. Reunión Cient. Asoc. Latinoam. Cien. Fisiol. Punta del Este 75-76, 1957

Described nucleolonema, a new cell structure

With Roberto J. Sotelo. Una nueva estructura celular: el nucleolonema. Rev. Fac. Hum. Cien. Montevideo 7:47-68,  

Created the concept of synaptic pathology    

Pathology of the interneuronal synapses. Excerpta Med. Intern. Congress Series 100:463-8, 1965

Discovered and described the trophic function of synapse (1956-8)

First to describe axo-axonic synapse

Demonstrated that Purkinje cells axons of cerebellum extend to nuclei of encephalic axis and spinal cord (1927)

Described accurately the morphological neuronal changes that characterize many neurodegenerative diseases

Showed how drugs modify the interneuronal connections

With chemist L.F. Fieser purified and synthesized gonyleptin from opilion Gonyleptus sp. (1955)


Created endocardiac biomicroscopy

With Alberto Vaz Ferreira. Methode pour l’examen microscopique “in vivo” du coeur  dês vertébrés. Comp. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 106:847-50, 1931

Created bioiridomicroscopy


His nephew, José Jesus Estable Parodi, physiologist and pharmacologist (Montevideo 22 September 1905 – 10 December 1976)

Authored 66 papers


With H.J. Rossello. Nueva tecnica de descerebración en el perro. Comptes Rendus des Sciences de la Société de Biologie et ses filiales et associens CXI (32):406, 1932

With C. Bordoni Posse & E.C. Palma. La tecnica de arteriografia de contraste y sus resultados. Rev. Inform. Terap. 19:106, 1937


T.H. Sollmann

Action of procaine, salicylate and benzoate of sodium on the excitability of skeletal muscle and of nerve. Anesth. 9(2):194-9, 1948

Survival time of refrigerated mammalian muscle and nerve after somatic death. Am. J. Physiol. 156(3):328, 1949

With S.O. Hoerr. Loss of excitability of frog sciatic nerve and skeletal muscle on deep-freezing. Am. J. Physiol. 156(3):333, 1949

C. Heymans   

On new nicotinolytic compounds. Science 109 (2823):122, 1949

With S. Castillo de Bonneveaux. Sur la pharmacologie de la phénothiazinyl-ethyldiéthylamine (2987 R.P.). Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Therapie LXXIX (2-3):123, 1949

With S. Castillo de Bonneveaux. Nicotinolytic action of diethylaminoethylphenothiazine (2987 R.P. or Diparcol). Arch. Intern. Pharmacodyn. Therapie LXXIX (2-3):185, 1949