Clovis Teixeira, Brazilian oceanographer (Sertãozinho, São Paulo 16 April 1932 – São Paulo 29 December 2010)
Authored about 100 papers and 2 books
Described the diatom genus Melchersiela in 1959
With H. Moreira Filho developed a method for sediment diatoms cleaning (1963)
With J.G. Tundisi made suggestions for the use of C14 method in inshore waters and developed research methods for size fractionation of phytoplankton (1968)
Preliminary studies of primary production in the Ubatuba region (1973)
Introdução aos métodos para medir a produção primária do fitoplâncton marinho. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 22:59-92, 1973
With J.G. Tundisi. Plankton studies in a mangrove environment. VII. Size fractionation of the phytoplankton: some studies on methods. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 17(1):89-94, 1968
With J.G. Tundisi. Primary production and phytoplankton in equatorial waters. Bull. Marine Science 17(4):884-91, 1967
With J.G. Tundisi & J. Santoro-Ycaza. Plankton studies in a mangrove environment. IV. Size fractionation of the phytoplankton. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 16(1):39-42, 1967
With M.B. Kutner & F.M.S. Torgo. O efeito da respiração bacteriana no estudo da produção primária. Rev. Bras. Biol. 25:287-94, 1965
With J.G. Tundisi & M.B. Kutner. Plankton studies in a mangrove environment. II. The standing-stock and some ecological factors. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 14(1):13-42, 1965
Relative rates of photosynthesis and standing stock of the net phytoplankton and nannoplankton. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 13(2):53-60, 1963
With M.B. Kutner. Plankton studies in a mangrove environment. I. First assessment of standing stock and principal ecological factors. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 12(3):101-24, 1962
With M.B. Kutner. Contribuição para o conhecimento das diatomáceas da região da Cananéia. Bol. Inst. Oceanogr. 11:41-74, 1961
Diatomaceae of the bottom sediment from 12 oceanographic stations off the Brazilian coast. An. Acad. Bras. Ciencias 31(4):599-00, 1960
Estudo sobre algumas características do fitoplâncton da região de Cananéia e seu potencial fotossintético. Doctoral Thesis
With J.G. Tundisi & J. Santoro-Ycaza. Primary production, zooplankton standing stock and some environmental factors. Int. Revue Ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 53(5)