Damaso Antonio Larrañaga Pires, Uruguayan theologist, naturalist, geographer and philologist (Montevideo 10 December 1771 – Montevideo 06 February 1848)
Described 380 plant species, 216 arthropods and 88 other animals beyond a number of fossils (despite the fact his writings were published much time after and lost the priority)
Determined internal structure of Dasypus megatherium
Kept contact to eminent naturalists such as Bonpland, Saint-Hilaire and Freycinet
His writings were published between 1922 and 1930 as Escritos de Don Damaso Antonio Larrañaga by Instituto Historico y Geographico del Uruguay
Atlas (Parte I. Botanica. Parte II. Zoologia, paleontologia y mapas)
Botanica (1820-4)
Gramatica abipona
Noticias sobre los indios minuanes (1813)
Compendio del idioma de la Nación Chaná
Diario del viaje desde Montevideo al pueblo de Paysandu (1815)
Memoria geológica sobre la piedra de cal de Buenos Aires por um hijo del pais
Memoria geológica sobre la formación del Río de la Plata, deducida de sus conchas fósiles escrita por lo año 1819. An. Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1:3-12, 1894
Correspondent Member, Société de Geographie de Paris