
Demetrio Sodi Pallares, Mexican cardiologist (Ciudad de Mexico 08 June 1913 – Ciudad de Mexico 12 August 2003)

Authored over 150 papers and 18 medical and philosophical books


Established rational basis of practical electrocardiography

Established many parameters for position analysis and myocardial performance  

With E. Cabrera, Vizcaíno & Soberón showed intracavitary potential in man and dog under normal conditions (1947)

With Soberón, Estandía & Rodríguez first published intracavitary potential morphology of cardiac left ventricle  

With E. Cabrera enunciated the concept of endocardioelectric deductive electrocardiography

With Zuckerman & Abdo Bisteni described electrocardiographic changes in acute pulmonary hypertensive cardiopathy  

With Gustavo Medrano, A. Bisteni & Alfredo de Micheli first described electrocardiograms with activation potentials in cardiac conduction system in dog in situ (1952)

Enunciated concept of intraseptal barrier 

New bases of electrocardiography (1956)

With A. Bisteni, Fishleder & G. Medrano described the physical basis of morphology of cardiac unipolar derivations (1959)

Enunciated concept of electrical endocardium

With G.A. Medrano & A. de Micheli. Unipolar QS morphology and Purkinje potential of the free left ventricular wall, the concept of electrical endocardium. Circulation 23:836-46, 1961

Developed poliparametric electrocardiography, a new electrocardiographic interpretation  (1970)

Authored Nuevas bases de electrocardiografia (1945) edited in United States and Italy  

Concluded that sodium retention in organic tissues give arise to many diseases (e.g. ischemic cardiopathy)  

Regarded as world pioneer on metabolic treatments and founder of modern magnetotherapy   

Introduced glucose-insulin-potassium infusion for treatment of acute myocardial infarction known as Sodi Pallares infusion (1962)

With M.I. Rodríguez. Metodo para estudiar la secuencia y velocidad del proceso de activación en los ventrículos del perro. Valoración del metodo por el pronestyl (1952) 

Authored an important paper

With F. Marsico. The importance of electrocardiographic patterns in congenital heart diseases. Am. Heart J. 49:202, 1955


Pavlov Medal, American Institute of Stress

First Honorary President, Sociedad Española de Cardiologia (1964)

Master Teacher, American College of Cardiology (1975)

Honorary Member, Societé Française de Cardiologie (1977)

Honorary Member, American Heart Association

Sodi Award in Electrocardiography (1977)

Osler Award (1976)


Sodi Pallares sign

Salazar-Sodi Pallares index