
Diego Rodríguez, Mexican mathematician, astronomer and engineer (Atitalac, Hidalgo State 1596 – Ciudad de Mexico 1668)

He was a mercedarian

Performed important contributions to knowledge of comets

Determined Mexico city longitude (1638), more accurate that measurements from A. Von Humboldt centuries later  

Elaborated his own logarithmic tables of trigonometric functions independent from E. Gunter


Modo de Calcular qualquier eclipse del Sol y Luna

Doctrina General repartida por capítulos de los eclipses del Sol y Luna

Tratado de las ecuaciones. Fabrica y uso de La tabla algebraica discursiva

Tractatus Proemiabium Mathematices y de Geometria

De los logaritmos y aritmetica

Tratado del modo de fabricar reloxes horizontales, verticales, etc.

Discurso ethereologico del nuevo cometa, visto en aqueste Hemisferio Mexicano y generalmente em todo el mundo este año de 1652

Authored  optical notes about light refraction or reflexion  and a treatise about logarithms and its applications (c.1642) too. These works are lost