
Dionysius Von Klobusitzky or Denes Klobusitzky,  Hungarian-born Brazilian biochemist (Baráti, Hont County 30 July 1900 – São Paulo 15 April 1974)

First in the world to use filter paper as a porous supporting medium for biomolecules electrophoresis

With P. Konig. Biochemical study of snake venom from the genus Bothrops. Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 192:271-5, 1939

With P. Konig isolated Batroxobin (Reptilase) from Bothrops venom (1936)

Isolated bothropotoxin and bothropothrombin from Bothrops venom

Estudos biochimicos sobre os venenos das serpentes do gênero Bothrops. II. Um método aperfeiçoado o preparo da Bothropotoxina. Mem. Inst. Butantan 10:201, 1935-6

Eine mikromethode zum Nachweis verschiedener Strychnin-salze. Biochem. Z. 270:120-1, 1934


A modified electro-ultrafilter. J. Phys. Chem. 36(12):3189-90, 1932 

Aparelho simples para produzir hydrogenio ou oxygenio por electrolyse. Mem. Inst. Butantan 7:27, 1932

Electro ultrafilter for industrial use. J. Phys. Chem. 43:823-4, 1939

Eine automatische Krystallisationseiinrichtung für industrielle Zwecke. Monatshefte f. Chem. 81:129-31, 1950


Klobusitzky unit (of coagulation of human plasma)