Driss Aboutadjine, Moroccan information and telecommunications engineer (30 December 1953 – Beni Mellal, Rabat 04 March 2017)
With M. Elmoutahdi & S. El Fikhi. Fingerprint identification based on hierarchical triangulation. J. Inform. Process Systems 14(2):435-47, 2018
With H.A. Abdelali, F. Essannouni & L. Essannouni. Fast and robust object tracking via accept-reject color histogram based method. J. Vis. Comm. Image Repres. 34:219-29, 2016
With M. Benyoussef, S. Mabtoul & M. El Marraki. Robust ROI watermarking scheme based on visual cryptography: application on mammogram. J. Inform. Process Systems 11(4):495-508, 2015
With C. Anibou & M.N. Saidi. Classification of textured images based on discrete wavelet transform and informationn fusion. J. Inform. Process Systems 11(3):421-37, 2015
With S. Ousguine, F. Essannouni & L. Essannouni. A new image interpolation using gradient-orientation and cubic spline interpolation. Int. J. Innov. Appl. Studies 5(3):215-21, 2014
With A. Badri & H. Yahia. Robust surface reconstruction via triple sparsity (2014)
With O. Zytoune. An optimized energy awarechaining technique for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Inter. J. Digital Inf. Wireless Comm. 3(2):41, 2013
With O. Zytoune. A lifetime extension protocol for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Int. J. Innov. Appl. Studies 4(3):477-82, 2013
With E. Sarhrouni & A. Hammouch. Dimensionality a reduction and classification feature using mutual information applied to hyperspectral images: a wrapper strategy algorithm based on minimizing the error probability using the inequality of Fano. Appl. Math. Sciences 6(102):5073-84, 2012
With E. Sarhrouni & A. Hammouch. Application of symmetric uncertainty and mutual information to dimensionality reduction and classification of hyperspectral images. Inter. J. Engin. Technology 4(5):268-76, 2012
With A. El Akadi, A. Amine & A. El Ouardighi. A two-stage gene selection scheme utilizing MRMR filter and GA wrapper. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 26:487-500, 2011
With H. El Khattabi & A. Tantaoui. Measure a subjective video quality via a neural network (2011)
With M. El Hassouni. 3D Mesh denoising using an improved vertex based anisotropic diffusion. Int. J. Comp. Sci. Inform. Security 8(2), 2010
With O. Zytoune & Y. Fakhri. A novel energy aware clustering technique for routing in wireless sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks 2(3):233, 2010
With O. Zytoune. An uniform balancing energy routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. Wireless Personal Comm. 55(2):147-61, 2010
With B. Elbhiri & R. Saadane. Developed distributed energy efficient clustering (DDEEC) for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (2010)
With Ideraim, D. Ducrot & D. Mammass. An unsupervised classification using a novel ICM method with constraints for land cover mapping from remote sensing imagery. Int. Review Computers & software 4(2):165-76, 2009
With A. El mAkadi, A. Amine & A. El Ouardighi. A new gene selection approach based on minimum redundancy-maximum relevancy (MRMR) and genetic algorithm (GA) (2009)
With A. El Akadi & A. El Ouardighi. A powerful feature selection approach based on mutual information. Int. J. Comp. Sci. Netw. Soc. 8(4):116, 2008
With A; Radgui, C. Demonceaux, E.M. Mouaddib & M. Rziza. An adapted Lucas-Kanade’s method for optical flow estimation in catadioptric images (2008)
With A. Jbari & A. Adib. Blind audio separation and content analysis in the time-scale domain. Inter. J. Semant. Computing 1(3):307-18, 2007
With F. Essannouni, R. Oulad Haj Thame & A. Salam. Simple noncircular correlation method for exhaustive sum square difference matching (2007)
With M. Bakrim & M. Najim. New cumulant-based approaches for non-Gaussian time-varying AR models. Signal Processing 39 (1-2):107-15, 1994
With A.A. Abdelouahad., M. El Hassouni & H. Cherifi. A reduced reference image quality measure using Bessel K forms model for tetrolet coefficients
With E. Sarhrouni & A. Hammouch. Band selection and classification of hyperspectral images using mutual information: an algorithm based on minimizing the error probability using the inequality of Fano
With H. Bouirouga, S. El Fikhi & A. Jilbab. Comparison of performance between different SWM kernels for the identification of adult video
With A. Amehraye, D. Pastor & A. Tantaoui. From maskee to audible noise in perceptual speech enhancement
With A. Jbari & A. Adib. A double referenced contrast for blind source separation
With M. Rziza, M. El Aroussi, M. El Hassouni & S. Ghouzali. Local curvelet based classification using linear discriminant analysis for face recognition
With B. Ibrahim & E.H. Ibn Elhaj. Optimal and generalized multiple descriptions image coding transform in the wavelet domain
With H. El Maia & A. Hammouch. Hybrid color-texture space for image classification
With O. Zytoune & Y. Fakhri. A balanced cost cluster-heads selection algorithm for wireless sensor networks
With S. Mabtoul & E. Ibn Elhaj. Robust semi-blind digital image watermarking technique in DT-CWT domain