
Elsimar Metzker Coutinho, Brazilian gynecologist (Pojuca, Bahia State 18 May 1930 – São Paulo 17 August 2020)

From Portuguese and Austrian descent

Authored over 350 papers and 10 books


First to report myoma regression followed by pregnancy (1982)

Described the role of calcium and magnesium ion like secondary agents of progesterone action 

Described action of gestrinone in the non-surgical treatment of fibroid tumours

Described the contraceptive effects of medroxiprogesterone 

Discovered the contraceptive effects of gossypol that lead to first male non-hormonal contraceptive pill 


Treatment of infertilitas provoked by endometriosis and myomatosis 

The first contraceptive pill containing Norgestrel (1966) with J.O. de Souza

The first contraceptive pill of reduced dosage 

The first injectable contraceptive of long action (Depo Provera) 1960s

First injectable contraceptive (Ciclofem)

Pills for oral and vaginal administration (Lovelle is a subcutaneous prolonged effect contraceptive vaginal pill) 

Subcutaneous hormonal implants with long action

The first male contraceptive (gossypol based) in 1970s

Drugs that stimulate pregnancy preventing premature labor and spontaneous abortion

Drugs that prevent pregnancy

Drugs for treatment with hormone replacement in both sex 

Intrauterine dispositifs like Cruz de Lorena and Cruz de Caravaca

A new treatment for endometriosis employing gestrinone