
Enrique Pouey, Uruguayan gynecologist and obstetrician (Montevideo 09 May 1858 – Montevideo 08 May 1939)

Developed (1898) and presented (1904) the cone-shaped exhaustion technique for total extirpation of cervical mucosae known as Pouey operation or Forgue operation (in France) or Sturmdorf operation (in United States)

Developed a procedure for treatment of chronic uterine inversions employing continuous traction

Traitement de l’inversion uterine chronique par la traction elastique prolongée du col combinée a la propulsion du fond de l’utérus. Sem. Gynecol. 10:45-53, 1897

Eponym of Pouey-Stajano sign of tubal ectopic pregnancy or Laffont sign (consisting of peritoneal irritation and subscapular reflex pain; 1930s)

His brother in law, Alfonso Lamas Delgado, surgeon and pathologist (Buenos Aires 19 June 1867 – 1954), developed Lamas-Mondino two-time operation for hydatid cysts (1905) later perfected by Posadas