
Evandro Pinto da Luz de OliveiraBrazilian microneurosurgeon and neuroanatomist (Florianópolis 08 November 1945 –


With A.F. Joaquim, J.P.C. de Almeida, M.J. dos Santos, E. Ghizoni & H. Tedeschi. Surgical management of intradural extramedullary tumors located anteriorly to the spinal cord. J. Clin. Neurosci. 19(8):1150-3, 2012

With J.P. Mattos, M.J. Santos, J.F. D. Zullo, A.F. Joaquim & F. Chaddad Neto. Dissection technique for study of the cerebral sulci, gyri and ventricles. Arq. Neuro-Psiq. 66:282-7, 2008

With A.C. Mussi. Dural entrance of the bridging vein into the transverse sinus provides a reliable measure for preoperative planning: an anatomic comparison between cadavers and neuroimages (2008)

The minipterional craniotomy: technical description and anatomic assessment (2007)

With J.P. Mattos. A novel, inexpensive method of image coregistration for applications in image-guided surgery using augmented reality (2007)

With E.G. Figueiredo. Novel approach to calvarial bone transport using a rabbit model. Neurol. Med-Chir. 46:69-74, 2006

With P.H. Aguiar. Extradural anterior clinoidectomy as an alternative approach for optic nerve decompression: anatomic study and clinical experience. Neurosurg. 59:253-62, 2006

With J.P. Mattos, E. Ghizoni & H. Tedeschi. Treatment strategy for grade III arteriovenous malformations. Japan. J. Neurosurg. 14(6):363-7, 2005

With F. Chaddad & A. Campero. Proposed classification of segments of the internal carotid artery: anatomical study with angiographical interpretation. Neurol. Med-Chir. 45:184-91, 2005

With J. Raso. Exposure of midline cranial base without a facial incision through a combined craniofacial-transfacial procedure. Operative Neurosurg. 56:28-35, 2005

With D. Rojas Salazar & J. Mura. Combined subtemporal and transventricular/ trans-choroidal fissure approach to mesial temporal lesions. Neurosurg. 54:1162-9, 2004

With J. M. Mura. Protective dural flap for bone drilling at the paraclinoid region and porus acusticus. Neurol. Med-Chir. 43:416-8, 2003

With J. Mura. Expanded polytetrafluorethylene membrane for preventive of adhesions in patients undergoing external decompression and subsequent cranioplasty. Neurol. Med-Chir. 43:320-4, 2003

With F. Chaddad. Artificial cerebral aneurysm model for medical testing, training and research. Neurol. Med-Chir. 43:69-73, 2003

With F. Chaddad. Comparison of posterior approaches to the posterior incisural space: microsurgical anatomy and proposal of a new method: the occipital by-transtentorial/ falcine approach. Neurosurg. 51:1208-11, 2002

F. Chaddad. Modified draping to avoid fluid leakage in cranial surgery. Neurol. Med-Chir. 41:466-8, 2001 

With N. Suttner, J. Mura, H. Tedeschi, M.A. Ferreira, H.T. Wen & A.L. Rhoton Jr. Persistent trigeminal artery: an unique anatomic specimen. Analysis and Therapeutic Implications. Neurosurg. 47(2):428-33, 2000 (described a new variation of persistent trigeminal artery)

With E.R. Seoane, H. Tedeschi, M.G. Siqueira & G.A. Calderón. Management strategies for posterior cerebral artery aneurysm. A proposed new surgical classification. Acta Neurocir. 139:325-31, 1997

With C.P. Lucas, H. Tedeschi, M. Siqueira, M. Lourenzi, R.L. Piske, M. Conti & D. Peace. Sinus skeletization. A treatment for dural arteriovenous malformations of the tentorial apex. Report of two cases. J. Neurosurg. 84:514-7, 1996   


First foreign neurosurgeon honoured with a symposium by American Association of Neurological Surgeons (Evandro de Oliveira Symposium) 2019

Invited to Adjunct Professor, Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Florida, USA

2nd Snellman Lecturer, Finnish Neurosurgical Society (2007)

Honorary Member, Japan Neurosurgical Society (2005)